更新时间:2021-07-16 13:04:16
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Chapter 1. Task Automation
Before we begin
About Logology
Why use Gulp for task automation?
Setting up your app's directory structure
Installing Gulp
Creating your first Gulp configuration file
Creating a modular Gulp configuration
Copying assets
Performing substitutions
How to execute Cordova tasks
Managing version numbers
Supporting ES2015
Linting your code
Uglifying your code
Putting it all together
Chapter 2. ECMAScript 2015 and Browserify
Getting started
Benefits of ES2015
Using Browserify
Chapter 3. Sassy CSS
Learning Sass
Integrating Sass with Gulp
Chapter 4. More Responsive Design
Pixel densities
The CSS3 units
Media queries
Image sizing
Using flex-box layout
Chapter 5. Hybrid Application Accessibility
Types of accessibility features
Accessibility for free
What is WAI-ARIA?
Accessibility examples
Fitting in with native accessibility features
Useful tools
Chapter 6. Testing and UI Automation
An introduction to assertions
Writing tests using Chai
Running test suites using Mocha
Writing UI automation tests
Running UI Automation tests using Appium and Mocha
Integrating our tests with Gulp
Chapter 7. IndexedDB
IndexedDB support and polyfills
Differences between relational and key-object storage
Creating a database
Creating an object store within the database
Handling database upgrades
Storing objects
Getting objects
Deleting objects
Using cursors and indexes
Closing the database
Additional resources
Chapter 8. Web SQL Database
Web SQL Database support
The Cordova SQLite plugin
Creating and opening databases
Creating tables
Inserting data and binding values
Querying data (single table joins and so on)
Deleting data
The SQLite utilities
Chapter 9. Transferring Files
Configuring the whitelist
Downloading files from a server
Receiving files using PHP on a server
Uploading files to a server
Monitoring progress
Aborting transfers
Security concerns
Chapter 10. Performance
Defining performance