Chapter 3. Sassy CSS
Although JavaScript is critical for our application's functionality, CSS is critical for our application's appearance. Although CSS is extremely powerful, the version supported by most mobile browsers (CSS3) lacks many features that would make development easier. CSS also tends to be verbose; it's quite easy to end up with long, tangled stylesheets that are difficult to understand and maintain.
Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an attempt to improve upon CSS3 and make it easy to write and maintain. It adds features like variables, interpolation, computations, mixins, modularity, and much more. We can use Sass to our benefit to make our CSS easier to read and write.
You can learn more about Sass by visiting http://sass-lang.com.
In this chapter, we'll focus on the following:
- Learning Sass
- Integrating Sass with Gulp