4.Discharging a Patient出院
A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
1.The doctor has prescribed some medication for you; you will need to take...
2.The doctor is going to discharge you today/ this morning/this afternoon.
3.You will need to take some medication home with you.
4.You will need to come back for a check up on...
5.You will need to come back to have your sutures removed on...
6.Please remember you will need to re-register again when you come back.
7.You need to keep the dressing on for...days.
8.Please do not get the dressing wet.
9.Please rest when you get home.
10.Please do not lift anything heavy for a few weeks.
11.If you are concerned about your health,please phone us,a nurse will give you the telephone number.
12.If you feel that there are any complications/ problems,please contact the hospital immediately.
13.Please come to the Emergency room straight away if you are...
Wound breaks open.
Wound is oozing.
Pain comes back.
Having chest pain.
Medication doesn’t seem to be working.
Health deteriorates.
Feeling unwell.
14.Have you any questions you would like to ask?
15.The doctor will write a letter for you to give to your doctor,explaining the treatment you have had.
16.Do you need a letter for your health insurance company?
17.Before you leave,I’d like to give you some good suggestions.
18.Please remember to settle your account before you leave hospital.
19.I think I’m quite all right now.
20.You are going to be discharged the day after tomorrow.
21.You have been in hospital for two weeks.
22.But the doctor told me that I still had to rest for one more week.
23.First,avoid any mental stress and have a good rest.
24.Secondly,examinations of fasting blood sugar and an ECG should be done regularly.
25.Wait a minute I’ll go to the Admission Offce to get your bill at once.
26.Have you made sure you haven’t left anything behind?
27.How time fies. You have been in the hospital for two weeks and you have gotten a complete recovery.
28.You are going to be discharged tomorrow.
29.You can leave hospital now,but you must rest at home for at least one week.
30.Please come with me to the discharge offce to pay your bill/ settle accounts.
31.Our president has given you an 8% discount because you are our honored guest,then you will pay¥7,200 all together for your hospitalization.
32.You can pay by credit card or in cash.
33.Here is the change,please check it before leaving.
34.Are you sure that you haven’t left anything behind?
35.Welcome to China again.
B.Situational Conversation(情景会话)
Nurse: The doctor is going to discharge you later this morning.
护士: 医生早上过些时候安排你出院。
Patient: That’s marvelous,thanks.
病人: 太感谢了!
Nurse: You will need to come back to have your sutures removed in 3 days.
护士: 你需要3天后过来拆线。
Patient: Do I come back here to the ward?
病人: 我需要回来这个病房吗?
Nurse: No,you need to go back to Outpatients,please remember you will need to re-register again when you come back.
护士: 不用,你需要去门诊部,请记住当你回来的时候你需要重新挂号。
Patient: Oh,OK,who do I ask for?
病人: 哦,好的,我该找谁?
Nurse: I will write the doctor’s name down for you,so you can give it to the registration nurse.
护士: 我会把医生的名字写给你,你把它交给挂号处的护士就可以。
Patient: That will be great,thanks.
病人: 非常感谢!
Nurse: You need to keep the dressing on until you have your sutures removed,please do not get the dressing wet.
护士: 你要一直绑着绷带直到拆线,请不要弄湿了。
Patient: Will you give me some clean ones to take home with me?
病人: 你会给我一些干净的绷带吗?
Nurse: Yes,I will. You will need to rest when you go home and please do not lift anything heavy for a few weeks and only gentle exercise for a while.
护士: 是的,我会给你一些。回到家之后多休息,请在这几周内不要提重的东西,可以做一些轻微的运动。
Patient: Great,no housework then.
病人: 太好了,可以不做家务了。
Nurse: The doctor will prescribe some medication for you to take home.
护士: 医生会给你开些药回到家里吃。
Patient: What medicine do I need?
病人: 我需要什么药?
Nurse: He will prescribe some painkillers and antibiotics for you to take.
护士: 他会给你开些止痛药和抗生素。
Patient: OK,will you get these for me or do I need to go the pharmacy?
病人: 好的,是你准备好给我还是我去药房取?
Nurse: The doctor will give you the prescription,and you will need to go to the Pharmacy Department,I will show you where to go.
护士: 医生会给你处方,你需要自己去药房,我会带你过去。
Patient: OK,I’ll do that on my way out of the hospital.
病人: 我出院时自己能办好。
Nurse: You must come to the Emergency Room straight way if your wound breaks open,is oozing or the pain comes back.
护士: 当遇到如下情况,请直接到急诊室:伤口破裂、往外渗水、疼痛发作。
Patient: OK,where do I go to pay the hospital bill,will the hospital give me a letter for my insurance company?
病人: 好的,我到哪里去交住院费?医院给我的医疗保险公司写信了吗?
Nurse: The doctor will write a letter for you to give to your doctor,explaining the treatment you have had. And also a letter for your health insurance company,the cashier will give you a list of your expenses and a receipt.
护士: 医生会给你的私人医生写信,告知给你所做的治疗,还会给你的医疗保险公司写信,收费处会给你一张费用清单和收据。
Patient: OK,that’s fne. I don’t need anything else,thanks very much,nurse.
病人: 好的,那很好。我没别的要求了,非常感谢你,护士小姐。
Nurse: You are welcome.
护士: 不客气。
Patient: The doctor says that the tests were OK,does that mean I can go home?
病人: 医生说检测结果显示没有问题,是不是意味着我现在可以回家了。
Nurse: The doctor is going to discharge you this afternoon.
护士: 医生今天下午安排你出院。
Patient: Oh,that’s great.
病人: 噢,太好了!
Nurse: You will need to take some medication home with you,he has prescribed some tablets for your blood pressure and you need to take one twice a day morning and evening,he has also prescribed a sub-lingual tablet which you should take when the pain comes in your chest,put one tablet under your tongue and let it dissolve,you must only take a maximum of two tablets a day.
护士: 你需要带一些药回家,他给你开了些治疗高血压的药片,每天早晚各吃一片。另外,他还开了舌下锭,当你胸部痛时,请放一片在你的舌头下面让其慢慢融化,每天最多吃两片。
Patient: OK,do I need to come back for a check up?
病人: 噢,我还需要回来复查吗?
Nurse: You will need to come back for a check up in two weeks.
护士: 你需要两周后回来复查。
Patient: Where will I have to go for the check up,in Outpatients?
病人: 我将到哪儿去复查,门诊部?
Nurse: Yes,you will need to register frst,like the last time and then go and see the doctor in Outpatients. I’ll write the doctor’s name down for you,so you can give it to the registration nurse.
护士: 是的,你需要先挂号,像上次一样到门诊部看医生。我将把医生的姓名给你写下来以便你给挂号处的护士。
Patient: That will be really helpful,thanks a lot.
病人: 真的太有帮助了,谢谢!
Nurse: You will have to rest when you go home,just gentle exercise at frst and do not lift anything heavy for a few weeks.
护士: 你回家后需要好好休息,在几个星期内可以做一些轻微的运动,但不要提重的东西。
Patient: Can I go out shopping? It’s just walking.
病人: 我可以去逛街吗?就像散步一样。
Nurse: Yes,but do not lift anything heavy for a few weeks.
护士: 可以,但在几周之内不要提重的东西。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: If you are concerned about your health,you must please phone us,someone will give you the telephone number before you leave.
护士: 如果你担心健康情况,请务必给我们打电话。你离开之前,会有人将电话号码告诉你。
Patient: No,I’m sure I’ll be fne.
病人: 不会,我肯定没问题。
Nurse: You must go to the Emergency Room straight away if you are having severe chest pain,and the medication isn’t working,or if you are feeling breathless.
护士: 如果有剧烈的胸痛,或者药不起作用,或者呼吸不畅,请务必到急诊室就医。
Patient: OK,I will.
病人: 好的,我会的。
Nurse: Have you any questions you would like to ask?
护士: 有什么问题需要问的吗?
Patient: No,I don’t think so,I’ll wait till I see the doctor,and ask him some questions,thanks a lot.
病人: 我觉得没有了。我会等医生来了之后问他一些问题,非常感谢你。
Nurse: The doctor will write a letter for you to give to your doctor,explaining the treatment you have had and give you a letter for your health insurance company if you need one.
护士: 医生会给你的私人医生写信,介绍你曾经接受过的治疗情况。如果你需要给保险公司开证明,医生会给你开一个。
Patient: Just a copy of the letter to my doctor will be fne and the bill for my stay here,when I have to pay.
病人: 把给我的私人医生的信复印一下就可以了,另外就是住院费账单包括须付款的时间。
Nurse: Someone will show you where to go,and the cashier will give you a bill with a list of your expenses and she will give you a receipt when you pay.
护士: 待会会有人将你带过去。出纳会给你住院的花费清单,并在你付钱的时候给你收据。
Patient: OK,great. I can give all that to my insurance company when I go home,thanks a lot.
病人: 好的。我可以在回家后把所有的东西给我的保险公司。非常感谢!
Nurse: You’re welcome. I’ll see you later.
护士: 不要客气,一会儿见!
Nurse: You have been in the hospital for two weeks,haven’t you?
护士: 你住院两个星期了,是吧?
Patient: Exactly,but the doctor told me I still have to rest for one more week.
病人: 对的,可是医生说我还得休息一个星期。
Nurse: The doctor has written a certifcate for you. There are two suggestions. First,avoid any mental stress and have a good rest. Second,examinations of fasting sugar and an ECG should be done regularly.
护士: 医生已经给你开好了证明书。里面有两条建议。第一,避免精神紧张,好好休息。第二,定期査空腹血糖和做心电图检查。
Patient: My family doctor needs my medical history. May I have it tomorrow?
病人: 我的家庭医生需要我的病史,明天能给我吗?
Nurse: Certainly.
护士: 当然可以。
Patient: Please give me my account.
病人: 请给我结一下账。
Nurse: I’ll go to the admissions’offce to get your bill at once.
护士: 我立即到住院处去给你结账。
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Patient: How much do I owe you? May I pay it by check?
病人: 我欠多少钱?能用支票付款吗?
Nurse: Altogether three thousand and fve hundred yuan,seventy-fve fen. You may pay either in cash or by check.
护士: 总共3500元7角5分,你付现金或开支票都行。
Patient: I must go now. Will you call a taxi for me?
病人: 我该走了。请给我叫辆出租汽车,好吗?
Nurse: Have you made sure you haven’t left anything behind?
护士: 你没有遗留下什么东西吗?
Patient: I don’t think so. I’m really very grateful to you all. You were so kind to me.
病人: 我想没有。我十分感谢你们大家。你们对我都这么好。
Nurse: Don’t mention it. That is our job.
护士: 不必客气,那是我们的职责。
Nurse: The taxi has come.
护士: 出租车来了。