34.Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis大脑中段动脉狭窄
Examiner: What kind of discomfort do you have?
检查者: 你有什么不舒服?
Patient: Oh,headache,vertigo,poor memorization and the numb of my left hand.
病人: 哦,头痛、头晕、记忆力差,左手麻木。
Examiner: How long do you have these symptoms?
检查者: 这些症状有多久了?
Patient: More than a month.
病人: 已超过一个月了。
Examiner: All right,let me give you an examination.
检查者: 好,让我给你检查一下。
Examiner: What diseases have you had before?
检查者: 你以往生过什么病?
Patient: I had hypertension and diabetes mellitus at the age of 50.
病人: 我50岁时查出患高血压和糖尿病。
Examiner: Let me examine your right temporal window carefully.
检查者: 让我仔细查一下你的右侧颞窗。
Patient: Do I have any problem?
病人: 我有问题吗?
Examiner: There is a stenosis in your right middle cerebral artery.
检查者: 你的右侧大脑中段动脉狭窄。
Patient: What should I do?
病人: 你认为我该怎么办?
Examiner: You should have a DSA or MRA to confrm the fnding.
检查者: 你需要进一步做DSA(数字减影血管造影)或MRA(磁共振血管造影)检查。
Patient: Why?
病人: 为什么?
Examiner: These tests can show the shape change of the intracranial blood vessels.
检查者: 它能显示颅内血管的形态学变化。
Patient: Did it cause the numbness in my left hand?
病人: 那我的左手麻就是这个原因?
Examiner: I think so. Here’s your report. Please show it to your physician.
检查者: 我认为是这样。这是你的检查报告,拿去给医生看。