33.Transient Cerebral Ischemia短暂性脑缺血
Examiner: How do you feel?
检查者: 你感觉怎么样?
Patient: I could not speak and my right hand was weak.
病人: 我曾经不能说话,右手无力。
Examiner: When did it happen?
检查者: 那是什么时候?
Patient: About twenty hours ago.
病人: 20个小时前。
Examiner: Let me help you to lie down slowly on the examination bed.
检查者: 来,我扶你慢慢躺在检查床上。
Patient: OK. What is this examination?
病人: 好的。这是什么检查?
Examiner: Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonograph.
检查者: 经颅多普勒超声。
Patient: Which cerebral vessels could it detect?
病人: 它能检查哪些血管?
Examiner: Main intracranial cerebral arteries.
检查者: 颅内大血管。
Examiner: What are you going to do?
检查者: 你打算干什么?
Patient: Oh,I just want to take a rest.
病人: 哦,我只想休息休息。
Examiner: Here’s your report,you should give it to your physician now.
检查者: 这是你的检查报告,现在拿去给医生看。
Patient: Thank you very much.
病人: 多谢。