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Vaadin 7 Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Creating a Project in Vaadin
Creating a project in Eclipse IDE
Generating a Vaadin project in Maven archetype
Building a Vaadin application with Gradle
Using Vaadin with Scala
Running Vaadin on Grails
Chapter 2. Layouts
Creating an adjustable layout using split panels
Creating a custom layout
Controlling components over the CSS layout
Using CSS layouts for mobile devices
Binding tabs with a hard URL
Using Navigator for creating bookmarkable applications with back-forward button support
Aligning components on a page
Creating UI collections of components
Dragging-and-dropping between different layouts
Building any layout with AbsoluteLayout
Chapter 3. UI Components
Viewing details of items in ListSelect
Inserting a button to remove a table row
Creating a line chart with Flot
Creating a pie chart with Highcharts
Drag-and-drop from the desktop
Using DateField with Joda-Time DateTime
Zooming with the slider
Restricting buttons in Rich text area
Styling components with CSS
Chapter 4. Custom Widgets
Creating a TextField with counter
Creating a TextField only for digits
Creating a chroma-hash password field
Creating a tri-state checkbox using JavaScript
Styling widgets
Speeding up widget set compilation
Chapter 5. Events
Responding immediately to an event in TextArea
Changing Label to TextField by double-clicking
Lazy loading in a table
Reordering columns and rows in a table
Customizing shortcuts
Adding click listener to the Link component
Creating a custom context menu
Updating messages in the menu bar using the ICEPush add-on
Updating the noticeboard using the Refresher add-on
Chapter 6. Messages
Showing validation messages
Styling system messages
Showing a login form in pop-up view
Customizing tray notifications
Making a confirmation window
Showing a rich tooltip with an image
Informing about file transfers by a progress bar
Waiting for an indeterminate process
Showing information about browsers
Chapter 7. Working with Forms
Creating a simple form
Generating fields from a bean
Binding fields to a bean
Using field validation
Using bean validation
Creating a custom validation
Creating a CRUD form
Filtering items using ComboBox
Chapter 8. Spring and Grails Integration
Setting up a Vaadin project with Spring in Maven
Handling login with Spring
Accessing a database with Spring
Internationalizing Vaadin applications with Spring
Vaadin and Spring injector
Internationalizing Vaadin in Grails
Using Grails ORM for Vaadin application
Using Grails services in Vaadin
Adding a Vaadin add-on into Grails project
Chapter 9. Data Management
Binding property to a component
Binding items to a component
Binding a container to a component