
Untitled, named by later generations as An Auspicious Message from Kylin On the evening before Confucius was born, the Kong family was visited by a Kylin – a unicornlike creature of Chinese mythology. The Kylin spat out a scroll of jade slips containing a message, which explained that Confucius was not a mortal, and although he would not be an emperor, he would have the virtues of one and could be esteemed as an uncrowned king. Yan Zhengzai tied a ribbon to the Kylin’s horn, which did not leave until dawn.
无题款,补名“麒麟玉书图” 孔子降生的前一天傍晚,有麒麟落于孔家,并吐玉书,上写文字,意为:孔子非凡人,虽无帝王之位,却有帝王之德,堪称“素王”。颜徵在将一条丝带系在麒麟的角上,麒麟直到天亮才走。