sign 体征
abdominal mass 腹部肿块
abdominal protuberance 腹部隆起
acrocyanosis 肢端发绀
adjacent nodes involvement 相邻淋巴结受累
anemic appearance 贫血貌
anterior mediastinal mass that is locally invasive of neighboring tissues 局部侵犯周围组织的前纵隔肿块
beefy tongue 牛肉舌
bilateral involvement 双侧受累
bleeding gum 牙龈出血
brain involvement 脑侵犯
brittle nails 脆甲
bronze or grayish pigmentation of the skin 皮肤青铜色或浅灰色色素沉着
bulky disfigurement 大块型畸形
bulky mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy 大块型纵隔和肺门淋巴结肿大
Café-au-lait spot 咖啡牛奶斑
concomitant supradiaphragmatic nodal involvement 伴膈上淋巴结受累
conjunctival pallor 结膜苍白
contiguous extranodal involvement 连续的结外受累
central or peripheral nervous system invasion or compression 中枢或周围神经系统侵犯或压迫
cyanosis 发绀
dark line of lead sulfide deposited in the gums 牙龈上沉积的黑色硫化铅线
deformities of the knees, elbows, ankles, shoulders, wrists, or hips 膝盖、肘部、脚踝、肩膀、手腕或臀部的畸形
disseminated extranodal involvement 播散的结外受累
distant lymph nodal involvement 远处淋巴结受累
ecchymosis of floor of mouth 口底瘀斑
edema 水肿
enlarged lymph node 肿大的淋巴结
enlarged spleen 脾大
enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes 肿大的锁骨上淋巴结
enlargement of the testis 睾丸肿大
epitrochlear adenopathy 滑车上淋巴结肿大
excoriation 表皮脱落
extraabdominal lymphadenopathy 腹腔外淋巴结肿大
extralymphatic involvement 淋巴结外受累
fissuring at the corners of the mouth 嘴角裂开
flushing 脸红
foot drop or wrist drop 足下垂或腕下垂
generalized lymphadenopathy 全身淋巴结肿大
gingival hyperplasia 牙龈增生
gum infiltration 牙龈浸润
hematoma 血肿
hemorrhagic spots 出血点
hemophilic pseudotumor 血友病假瘤
hepatic enlargement 肝大
hepatomegaly 肝大
hepatosplenomegaly (HSM) 肝脾大
iliofemoral lymphadenopathy 髂股淋巴结肿大
infiltration of the gingiva 牙龈浸润
infiltrative lesion 浸润性病变
inguinal lymphadenopathy 腹股沟淋巴结肿大
intraocular space occupying lesions 眼内占位性病变
involve several lymph nodes in an anatomical region 累及一个解剖区域的数个淋巴结
involved site 受累部位
isolated supraclavicular lymph node metastasis 孤立的锁骨上淋巴结转移
jaundice 黄疸
koilonychia 反甲,匙状甲
leg ulcer 腿部溃疡
leptomeningeal metastasis 软脑膜转移
leptomeningeal spread 软脑膜播散
local nodal involvement 局部淋巴结受累
longitudinal ridging in the nail 指甲纵嵴
lymphadenectasis 淋巴结肿大
lymph node enlargement 淋巴结肿大
lymphadenopathy 淋巴结肿大
lymph node tumefaction 淋巴结肿大
lymphomatous compression 淋巴瘤压迫
macroglossia 巨舌
mediastinal mass 纵隔肿块
mediastinal shift 纵隔移位
meningeal involvement 脑膜侵犯
mesenteric lymphadenopathy 肠系膜淋巴结肿大
mucous membrane hemorrhage 黏膜出血
multiorgan involvement 多器官受累
multiple nodules 多发结节
neck mass 颈部肿块
nerve impingement 神经侵犯
non-contiguous extralymphatic involvement 非连续的淋巴结外受累
obstruction of the superior vena cava 上腔静脉阻塞
optic disc edema 视盘水肿
oral ulceration 口腔溃疡形成
oropharyngeal involvement 口咽受累
package formation 包块形成
painful or tender lymphadenopathy 痛性或有触痛的淋巴结肿大
painless diffuse lymphadenopathy 无痛性弥漫性淋巴结肿大
painless swelling in the neck 颈部无痛性肿胀
pale 苍白的
pallor 苍白
palpable spleen 可触及的脾
palpable splenomegaly 可触及的脾大
papilloedema 视盘水肿
patchy plaques 片状斑块
periorbital purpura 眶周紫癜
petechia 出血点(单数)
petechiae 出血点(复数)
pharyngeal hyperemia 咽充血
plethora 多血症
plethoric facies 多血面容
progressive bulky disease 进行性大块性疾病
protrusion of the abdominal wall 腹壁凸起
punctate hemorrhage 点状出血
raccoon eyes appearance 浣熊眼外观
rapid shrinkage of lymph nodes or masses 淋巴结或肿块的迅速缩小
redness 发红
rib or sternal tenderness 肋骨或胸骨压痛
rubbery supradiaphragmatic lymph node enlargement 橡胶样膈上淋巴结肿大
rubor 发红
single organ involvement 单器官受累
skin infiltration 皮肤浸润
skin nodule 皮肤结节
smooth tongue 光面舌
solitary nodule 孤立结节
space occupying focus 占位性病变
spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫
spleen extending into the pelvis and across the midline 脾脏延伸到骨盆和超过中线
splenic enlargement 脾大
splenomegaly 脾大
stomatitis 口炎
subcutaneous bleeding 皮下出血
submandibular gland enlargement 颌下腺肿大
swelling of hilar lymph nodes 肺门淋巴结肿大
tenderness of the sternum 胸骨压痛
testicular mass 睾丸肿块
tonsillar hypertrophy 扁桃体肥大
tonsillitis 扁桃体炎
ulcerated and necrotic tumors 溃疡的和坏死的肿瘤