Time for action – watching Liferay Portal portlets in action
The Liferay, Inc. company site is built on Liferay Portal. Now, go to http://www.liferay.com/ and find a portal page similar to the following screenshot:

What are the parts in the rectangles made of? They are all made of the web content display portlet.
What just happened?
The static content at the Liferay, Inc. site is created with the web content portlet (or web content display portlet). It is displayed with the web content display portlet.
The Liferay forum site at http://www.liferay.com/community/forums is made of the messages board portlet, while the Liferay blogs site at http://www.liferay.com/community/blogs is set up with the blogs aggregator portlet and the blogs portlet.
Pop quiz
Which of the following statements are true?
a. In a typical Liferay Portal page, a theme wraps a layout template, which in turn wraps portlets
b. Liferay Portal has powerful web content management features
c. Liferay Portal is pre-installed with more than 60 portlets
d. All of the above