Logging clips tip: Keeping the Capture Tool active after logging a clip
This is a quick tip to help with logging Master Clips from tape during the Batch Capture process.
When you are logging, once the clip is sent to the bin, the bin becomes active. This allows you to immediately begin naming the clip in the bin. However, what if you already named the clip in the Capture Tool, or are in a hurry to log, and plan on naming the clips more precisely later? In such cases, you may prefer that the Capture Tool always stays selected, so that you can log the clip to the bin and quickly return to shuttling the tape and logging more clips without having to select the Capture Tool again. The following setting will allow that.
How to do it...
These are the steps to keep the Capture Tool active after logging a clip:
- Open the Capture Settings by either of the following methods:
- In the Project Window, select Settings tab | Capture Settings
- Right-click on Capture Tool and select Capture Settings…
- In the Capture Settings window, click on the tab labeled as General.
- Deselect the setting labeled as Activate bin window after capture.
See also
- The Logging clips tip: Logging from the keyboard recipe earlier in this chapter