一 培根著作之主要版本
《广学论》 (Advancement of Learning )1605,1629,1633.
《古学篇》 (拉丁文本)(De Scientia Veterum)1609,1617,1633,1634.
《古学篇》 (Sir A.G.Knight译英文本)1619,1658.
《新阿特阑提斯》 (The New Atlantis)1660.
《新工具》 (Novum Organum)1620,1645.
《亨利第七本纪》 (Life of Henry VII)1622,1629.
《广学论》(拉丁文增大本) (De Augmentis Scientiarum) 1623,1625,1645.
《古今格言》 (Apophthegmes,New and Old)1624(大英博物院本1625出版).
《林木篇》 (Sylva Sylvarum)(作者殁后由W.Rawley出版)1627,1635.
二 全集
拉丁本甲:Opera omnia quae extant.Philosophica,Moralia,Politica,Historia,1665.
拉丁本乙:Opera omnia (附Rawley著《培根传》,J.Blackbourne编辑),1730.
英文本甲:Bacon's Works (附传,Mallet编辑),1740,1753.
英文本乙:Bacon's Works (Montagu编辑), 共17卷,1825—1826.
英文本丙:Bacon's Works (R.Stephens与J.Locker原辑。二氏殁后T.Birch续编),共5卷,1765.
英文本丁:Bacon's Works (J.Spedding,R.L.Ellis,D. D.Heath编), 共14卷,1857—1874(案此为权威本).
三 论说文集通行本
Bacon's Essays.W.Aldis Wright编,Macmillan公司出版.
Bacon's Essays.Samuel H.Reynolds编,Clarendon Press出版(此本较精确).
Bacon's Essays.Edwin A.Abbot编,Longmans出版.
Bacon's Essays.Richard Whately编,Longmans出版.
Bacon's Essays.Melville B.Anderson编,McClury出版.
Bacon's Essays.F.G.Selby编,Macmillan出版(译本据此).
Bacon's Essays.H.Morley编,Routledge出版.
Bacon's Essays.Ernest Rhys编,J.M.Dent出版.(Everyman's Library,No.10).
Bacon's Essays.George Herbert.Clarke编,Macmillan出版.
四 重要参考书
甲 传记
Frrington, Benjamin: Francis Bacon,Henry Schuman New York,1949.
Spedding and Ellis: Letters and Life of Bacon, Longmans.
R.W.Church: Life of Bacon (English Men of Letters), Macmillan.
Basil Montagu: Life and Works of Bacon.
John Nichol: Bacon, His Life and Philosophy, Lippincott.
Macaulay: Essay on Bacon.
乙 关于论说文集者
Arber:Harmony of the Essays 1597—1626,Macmillan.
丙 关于培根之时代者
Nicholas Chamberlain: Court and Times of James I.
A.D.Innes:England under the Tudors.
G.M.Trevelyan: England under the Stuarts.
L.A.Ladwallader: Career of the Earl of Essex.
G.L.Strachey: Elizabeth and Essex.
E.A.Abbott: Bacon and Essex.
S.R.Gardiner: History of England,1603—1642.
R.P.T.Coffin: The Dukes of Bucki Ngham.
注:关于培根之著作最完备之书目为大英博物院《印版书籍目录》。(The British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books 〔1884—1900 et. seq.〕。)
Gibson, R. W.A Bacon Bibliography.Oxford: Scrivener Press, 1950.——译者