9 Ash Handling System
9.1 Basic Requirement
9.1.1 The ash handling system shall be designed following the principle that dry and wet ash&bottom ash are discharged separately,fly ash and bottom ash are discharged separately and coarse ash and fine ash are discharged separately as well.
9.1.2 The ash handling system shall be selected through techno-economic analysis taking into account the type of boiler,ash precipitator,and bottom ash removal equipment,the amount,chemical and physical characteristics of ash,the ash storage mode in the ash disposal area;comprehensive utilization conditions of ash,the distance and the elevation difference between the power plant and the ash disposal area,in conjunction with the general layout,transportation,topographic,geologic,available water resource,and meteorological conditions.
9.1.3 The output of ash handling system shall be designed based on the amount of ash discharged by the boilers when operating on design coal at the BMCR conditions.The capacity of various in-plant subsystems may be provided with a certain margin,while the capacity of the external conveying system should be determined according to the availability of comprehensive utilization conditions.