5.8 Ironmaking Area
5.8.1 The blast furnace should be of a peninsula or island arrangement design.A group of blast furnaces should consist of no more than 4 furnaces.In case more than 4 are required in one group,such a configuration shall be determined after verification of the carrying capacity of the hot metal transportation railway throat.
5.8.2 The hot metal pretreatment facility shall,in case of separate arrangement,be provided on the hot metal transportation line from the blast furnace to the steelmaking shop.
5.8.3 Ore bins and coke bins should be arranged in the sinter and coke incoming direction and shall meet the requirements of the blast furnace top charging system.
5.8.4 The blast furnace slag treatment facility and dry slag pit shall be arranged at the slagging side and immediately adjancent to casthouse of the blast furnace.Granulated slag storage yard shall enjoy convenient outbound transportation conditions.
5.8.5 The blower station should be arranged near the hot stoves.If steam blower is employed,the boiler house or thermal power station supplying the steam to the blower should be arranged in combination with the blower station.
5.8.6 The gas cleaning facility and gas pressure recovery power generation facility shall be arranged at the gas exhausting direction of the blast furnace.
5.8.7 Pulverized coal making shop and pulverized coal storage vessel of the pulverized coal injection(PCI)facility should be arranged in the boundary area of the iron making plant but near the blast furnace.
5.8.8 The arrangement of pig casting machine and pig iron storage yard shall not affect the hot metal transport distance between the blast furnace and the steelmaking shop as well as the future development of blast furnace.
5.8.9 The arrangement of hot metal ladle car repairing facility shall not affect the hot metal transport distance between the blast furnace and the steelmaking shop.If open ladle is employed,the ladle car repairing facility should be arranged in combination with the pig casting machine.Repairing of the torpedo car body should be incorporated into the railway vehicle repairing facility of the whole plant.
5.8.10 Dedusting facility should be arranged near the object it serves for(incl.casthouse,ore bins,coke bins).
5.8.11 Mud mill room should be arranged in the area near the blast furnace but not affecting future development of the blast furnace.