Unit 2 小王子
①I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck. ②I blinked my eyes hard. ③I looked carefully all around me. ④And I saw a most extraordinary small person, who stood there examining me with great seriousness. ⑤Here you may see the best potrait that, later, I was able to make of him. ⑥But my drawing is certainly very much less charming than its model.
⑦That, however, is not my fault. ⑧The grown-ups discouraged me in my painter's career when I was six years old, and I never learned to draw anything, except boas from the outside and boas from the inside.
⑨Now I stared at this sudden apparition with my eyes fairly starting out of my head in astonishment. ⑩Remember, I had crashed in the desert a thousand miles from any inhabited region. ⑪And yet my little man seemed neither to be straying uncertainly among the sands, nor to be fainting from fatigue or hunger or thirst or fear. ⑫Nothing about him gave any suggestion of a child lost in the middle of the desert, a thousand miles from any human habitation.⑬When at last I was able to speak, I said to him:
⑭"But—what are you doing here? "
⑮And in answer he repeated, very slowly, as if he were speaking of a matter of great consequence: "If you please—draw me a sheep..."
Key words and phrases
thunderstruck [ˈθʌndəstrʌk] a.大吃一惊的
extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔ:dnrɪ] a.非凡的,特别的
apparition [ˌæpəˈrɪʃn] n.特异景象,幽灵

译 我非常震惊,一下子就跳了起来。

译 我使劲地眨了眨眼睛。

译 我仔细地看了看我的周围。

译 我看见一个十分奇怪的小家伙一脸严肃地凝视着我。

译 这可能是后来我给他画出来的最好的一副画像。

译 可是,我的画当然要比他本人的模样逊色得多。

译 但这不是我的过错。

译 六岁时,大人们使我对我的画家生涯失去了勇气,除了画过蟒蛇的外观和它肚皮里面的东西,我就再也没学过画其他东西了。

译 现在,我惊奇地睁大着眼睛看着这突然出现的小家伙。

译 你们不要忘记,我是在远离人烟千里之外的地方坠机的。

译 而这个小家伙给我的印象是,他既不像迷了路的样子,也没有半点疲乏、饥渴、惧怕的神情。

译 他丝毫不像是一个迷失在荒无人烟的大沙漠中的孩子。

译 当我在惊讶之中终于能说出话来的时候,对他说道:

译 “但是——你在这儿干什么?”

译 而他还是重复着之前的话,不慌不忙,好像在说一件很重要的事情:“请你,给我画一只羊……”