Part 2 阅读提升 化繁为简
Chapter 1 英文原著
Unit 1 少年维特之烦恼
①In other respects I am very well off here. ②Solitude in this terrestrial paradise is a genial balm to my mind, and the young spring cheers with its bounteous promises my oftentimes misgiving heart. ③Every tree, every bush, is full of flowers; and one might wish himself transformed into a butterfly, to float about in this ocean of perfume, and find his whole existence in it.
④The town itself is disagreeable; but then, all around, you find an inexpressible beauty of nature. ⑤This induced the late Count M to lay out a garden on one of the sloping hills which here intersect each other with the most charming variety, and form the most lovely valleys.⑥The garden is simple; and it is easy to perceive, even upon your first entrance, that the plan was not designed by a scientific gardener, but by a man who wished to give himself up here to the enjoyment of his own sensitive heart. ⑦Many a tear have I already shed to the memory of its departed master in a summer-house which is now reduced to ruins, but was his favorite resort, and now is mine. ⑧I shall soon be master of the place. ⑨The gardener has become attached to me within the last few days, and he will lose nothing thereby.
Key words and phrases
solitude [ˈsɒlɪtju:d] n.单独,孤独,幽静
bounteous [ˈbaʊntɪəs] a.大方的,慷慨的

译 另外,我在这里非常愉快。
结构分析 这句话是该段的主旨句,后面的几个句子都是在具体描述感觉愉快的原因。


译 每一棵树,每一片灌木丛都开满了鲜花。让人想变成一只蝴蝶,飞翔在花的海洋中,去尽情地吸露吮蜜。
结构分析 该长句是由and连接的两个并列句。Every tree, every bush, is full of flowers是一个主系表结构的简单句。第一个and后面的句子,主语是one,其后有两个并列的谓语动词,其中一个是wish,另外一个是find。

译 小镇本身并不宜人,但是,你会发现周围的一切有一种无法形容的自然美。

译 这里山丘交错、独具魅力的景色构成了最美丽的峡谷,这促使已故的M伯爵在一座小山丘上建了一座花园。

译 花园很简单,即使你是第一次来,也很容易察觉到,它不是由一个专业的园艺家设计的,而是由一个想要在这里享受自己敏感内心的人设计的。

译 我已经流了许多眼泪来纪念这个凉亭过去的主人,如今它变成了废墟,但却是他最喜欢的度假胜地,现在这是我的了。

译 我很快就会成为花园的主人。

译 几天之后,园丁就已对我颇有好感,而他也将会得到好处。