Nurse: Hello,Mr. Qiao. I’m your primary nurse. You can call me Xiao Zou. I reviewed your medical history,and noticed that you have had high blood uric acid for some time.Why didn’t you come to see the doctor sooner?
护士: 乔先生你好,我是你的责任护士,我姓邹,你可以叫我小邹。我看了你的病史,发现你的尿酸升高已经有一段时间了,为什么没有来看医生?
Patient: Although my blood uric acid level was high,I didn’t feel anything wrong with me.Anyway,I did pay attention to my diets. So far,I only eat bean products,vegetables and mushrooms. I have not touched any animal internal organs or seafood for some time.
病人: 我以为尿酸有点升高,又没有什么不舒服是没关系的。而且我也注意了饮食,动物内脏、海鲜都不敢吃,我只吃豆制品、蔬菜、菌类、蘑菇等。
Nurse: Yes,as you said,it’s important for patients with high blood uric acid to pay attention to their daily diet. But you’ve known only part of the information. As you indicated,seafood and animal internal organs contain high purine,and you don’t eat them. But,this is not enough. For example,mushroom and soybean also contain lots of purine,and these foods should not be recommended for you to eat. In addition,spinach,hyacinth beans and peas,are also high in purine. They are also not the proper food for you.
护士: 是的,尿酸升高的病人是要注意饮食。但是你只了解了一部分。动物内脏和海鲜的嘌呤太高不能吃,但是,你还了解得不够,像一些菌类、黄豆也含很高的嘌呤,所以豆制品也不能多吃。除了这些,蔬菜中菠菜、扁豆、豌豆也含很高的嘌呤,也不能多吃。
Patient: I can’t eat any of these! What can I eat?
病人: 这些都不能吃,那我能吃些什么呀?
Nurse: Well,its true that the diet for patients with gout is greatly restricted. The seafood,meat and strong tea contain high purine which you should avoid. Are you shouldn’t have too much alcohol related drinks,especially the beer. The alkaline foods such as eggs,milk,potato,most vegetables and oranges are recommended. They increased the PH value of your urine which can prevent the uric acid from forming crystals and can also facilitate the excretion of it.
护士: 确实,痛风病人的饮食受到很大的限制。一般的鱼虾、肉类、浓茶都含比较高的嘌呤,酒也不能多喝,特别是啤酒。你可以吃一些碱性食物,如鸡蛋、牛奶、马铃薯、大部分的蔬菜、柑橘类水果等。这些碱性食物能使尿液的pH值上升,从而可以促进尿酸的排泄,防止尿酸盐结晶。
Patient: If I can’t eat so many things,will I be malnourished?
病人: 什么都不能吃我不是要营养不良吗?
Nurse: I didn’t mean you couldn’t eat anything,rather you should control the amount and selection of your food. Considering your body weight is 76.5kg and your height is 170cm,you are over-weight. Your high uric acid level and excessive weight mean that you should control your food intake. As I calculated,you may have 70g of protein and 400g of rice each day. With this amount of food intake,it will meet your physiological needs and you will not become malnourished.
护士: 不是让你什么都不吃,而是有控制、有选择地吃。你体形偏胖,你的身高是170cm,体重达了76.5公斤,已经超重,再加上尿酸升高,更需要控制热量,减少饮食量。我已经帮你算过了,你每天的蛋白质摄入量为70克,米饭大约可以吃到8两,就能满足你每天的生理需要量,而不会出现营养不良。
Patient: Listening to your advice,I’ve learned a lot and I will pay attention from now on..But my foot really hurts now. Can you take care of this problem as soon as possible?
病人: 听你这么一说,我了解了很多,以后一定会注意的。但是我现在的脚比较痛,有什么办法能尽快缓解?
Nurse: Here is the medicine,Colchicine,for your acute gout arthritis. Take one pill per hour.You must stop taking it if diarrhea occurs.
护士: 这是秋水仙碱,是治疗痛风性关节炎急性发作的特效药。你每过一小时服一片,出现腹泻立即停药。
Patient: Could I take two pills each time? It might help me get better sooner.
病人: 我能不能吃两片,可以好得快一点。
Nurse: No. You should never do that. This drug has some toxic effects. It is only used at the acute stage of gout. You should stop taking it the moment you feel better.
护士: 千万不可以的,该药的毒性比较大,只能在痛风的急性发作期才能用,而且一旦症状缓解就要立即停药。
Patient: I see. I will follow your advice.
病人: 我明白了,我会按你说的去做的。
(Four hours later,Mr. Qiao was able to walk around without much pain at his joint. The nurse returned to the ward.)
Patient: This drug really works! I don’t feel much pain now. You see,the swelling on my foot has gone also. Could I buy some more of this drug for future use?
病人: 这个药真灵,我现在也不太疼了。看,脚也不肿了,我以后能不能自己买了吃。
Nurse: I’m afraid not. As I said,this drug has big side-effects and is only permitted to be taken at the acute stage of gout attack. At chronic stage,two kinds of drugs can be used. One is to facilitate the excretion of the uric acid,such as Probenecid,and sodium bicarbonate. When taking these drugs,make sure to drink water no less than 2000ml per day. The other is Allopurinol. This drug will limit the synthesis of uric acid.
护士: 不可以,刚才我已经说过了,这个药毒性大,不能经常吃,只有在急性发作期才能用。平时你可以吃一些促进尿酸排泄的药,如丙磺舒、碳酸氢钠。用药期间注意多饮水,每天至少2000ml。还可以服一些抑制尿酸合成的药,如别嘌醇。
Patient: OK. I understand. I will watch my diets,and take these drugs after discharge,than I will not need to come back to the hospital again because of the pain.
病人: 好,我知道了,回去以后我会坚持控制饮食,同时服用一些治疗的药物。那样,我以后就不会再疼得需要住院治疗了。
Nurse: Yes. I’m sure you can do it.
护士: 是的,相信你一定能够做到的。