14.Acute Pancreatitis急性胰腺炎
Nurse: Mr. Wu,do you still have abdomen pain?
护士: 吴先生,腹部还疼吗?
Patient:(sighing lightly)I don’t have pain any more. But the doctor said I couldn’t eat anything,even a drink of water,I’m afraid I will be crashed.
Nurse: Yes. Nobody,even as strong as you,can sustain more than several days without eating food and drinking any water. But don’t worry,we will provide you with intravenous nutrition liquid. The doctor told you not to eat and drink anything is to allow your pancreas to recover. If you ingest anything,even a little water,you pancreas will swell up,and may even rupture. You know,this kind of pain is very severe,which you have already experienced.
护士: 是的。任何人,即使是像你这么魁梧的人,若是连水都不能喝的话,也是支撑不了几天的。但我们会给你提供静脉营养液,所以你不用担心。医生嘱咐你“禁食”是为了让你的胰腺得到恢复。你吃任何东西,哪怕是一口水,都会使胰腺肿胀,甚至穿孔。你知道,这种疼痛是相当剧烈的,你也经历过。
Patient: Yes,it’s hard to bear.
病人: 是的,难以忍受。
Nurse: When the pancreatitis is getting better,you can have food again. First,you can drink some water,fve to ten ml each time,fve to six times a day. If you are omfortable,you can have some rice soup instead of water,twenty to thirty ml. each time,five to six times a day. You can have vegetable soup,fish soup,and fresh juice as an additional meal. Next you can eat semi-liquids(such as porridge and lotus root starch),and soft diets(such as wonton and noodles).
护士: 等到胰腺炎症逐渐消退后,你就可以进食了。先从喝水开始,每次5~10ml,一天5~6次。没有不舒服的话,可改喝米汤,一次20~30ml,一天5~6次,中间可加餐:如菜汤、鱼汤、新鲜果汁。然后逐渐过渡到半流质(如稀饭、藕粉)、软食(如馄饨、面条等)。
Patient: Thanks. I see. What should I pay attention to in my diet in the future?
病人: 谢谢,我知道了。那么我以后吃东西需要注意些什么呢?
Nurse: You should abide by one principle:have small quantities but frequent meals. Do not overeat and avoid high proteins and high fat diets. What cause you to become sick this time was your bad eating habits. Also,you must stop smoking and drinking.
护士: 你只需注意遵从一个原则:少食多餐,切忌暴饮暴食和高蛋白高脂肪大餐。你这次发病就是不注意饮食引起的。还有你一定要戒除抽烟、喝酒的不良习惯。
Patient: OK. I’ll take your advice by giving up smoking and drinking,and having a reasonable diet. Thanks a lot,nurse.
病人: 好的,我一定听取你的建议,戒除烟酒,合理饮食。谢谢你,护士小姐。