3.2 课后习题详解
1.Can you briefly explain what the term ‘arbitrariness’ means as it is used to describe a property of human language?
【答案】Linguistic forms are described as arbitrary because there is generally no natural connection between the form and its meaning.
2.Which term is used to describe the ability of human language-users to discuss topics which are remote in space and time?
3.Is the fact that linguistic signals do not normally serve any other type of purpose, such as feeding, a good reason to consider this a unique property of human language?
【答案】No, because many animal communication systems use the vocal-auditory channel for signaling and for no other purpose.
4.What is the term used to describe the fact that, in a language, we can have different meanings for the three words tack, act and cat, yet, in each case, use the same basic set of sounds?
5.What kind of evidence supports the idea that language is culturally transmitted?
【答案】For example, a child with genetic features from its natural parents (e.g. Korean) will learn the language of the culture of its adopting parents (e.g. English).