Whom this book is for
Conventional wisdom says there can be only one audience for a book. This book defies conventional wisdom by saying there are three audiences for Let’s Stop Meeting Like This: meeting leaders, contributors, and facilitators.
Leaders are people with the formal authority to convene and run a meeting. Contributors are people who attend a meetingbecause their involvement makes a difference. Facilitators are people whose role is to offer guidance so that the meeting is successful. They may be professionally trained, or they may be group members who take on this role. They may be external or internal to the organization. What makes all of this so tricky is that during the course of a day, you might find yourself in each of these roles. We strongly believe that everyone is responsible for what happens in a meeting. That is why we didn’t write a book on how to be a better meeting leader or a better meeting participant or a better meeting facilitator. However, if you take to heart the ideas we present, you will become a better meeting leader, contributor, and facilitator.