
第二章 阶级分析中的边界渗透研究

“边界”(boundaries)研究是西方社会科学界的重要议题Lamont, Michèle, and Virág Molnár., “The Study of Boundaries in the Social Sciences, ”Annual Review of Sociology 28(2002): 167-195; Pachucki, Mark A., Sabrina Pendergrass, and Michèle Lamont., “Boundary Processes: Recent Theoretical Developments and New Contributions, ”Poetics 35(2007): 331-351;Tilly, C., Identities, Boundaries, and Social Ties(Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2005).。与此相关的研究涵盖认知、社会/集体认同、文化资本、专业化权限(professional jurisdictions)、移民、族群身份、群体权利等诸多领域。“边界”作为社会学理论工具箱中的核心概念之一,早在迪尔凯姆、马克思和韦伯等经典社会学家的作品中就有所涉及,它贯穿社会学发展的漫长历史之中。

在社会分层研究领域,尤其是阶级分析的传统中,对“边界”的讨论从未停止过Bourdieu, P., Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984); Erikson, R., and J. H. Goldthorpe., The Constant Flux: A Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Societies(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992); Parkin, F., Marxism and Class Theory: A Bourgeois Critique(New York: Columbia University Press, 1979); Wright, E. O., Class Counts:Comparative Studies in Class Analysis(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997); Wright, E. O.(Ed.)., Approaches to Class Analysis(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2005); Wright, Erik. Olin., Envisioning Real Utopias(London: Verso, 2010).。边界的明晰与模糊,是社会开放度(social openness)的风向标,它是学者考察社会不平等的基本出发点。其中,边界的渗透(permeability)由个体在社会结构中的社会关系和经历所强化或弱化Blau, P. M. 1988. “Structures of Social Positions and Structures of Social Relations, ”Theory Building in Sociology: Assessing Theoretical Cumulation, edited by J. H. Turner(CA: Sage), p.43-59; Western, M., and E. O. Wright., “The Permeability of Class Boundaries to Intergenerational Mobility Among Men in the United States, Canada, Norway and Sweden, ”American Sociological Review 59(1994): 606-629.,它有助于我们深入理解社会断裂,以评估社会的不平等状况。
