第5章 Save Resources节约资源
How to save resources
A resource is any physical or virtual entity of limited availability that needs to be consumed to obtain a benefit from it. In most cases, commercial or even non-commercial factors require resource allocation through resource management. There are two types of resources; renewable and non-renewable.
The purely economic value of a resource is controlled by supply and demand. This is, however, a narrow perspective on resources as there are many things that cannot be measured in money.
Natural resources like forests, mountains etc. are considered beautiful so they have aesthetic value. Resources also have an ethical value as well, because it is widely recognized that it is our moral duty to protect and conserve them for the future generations.
Natural resources are derived from the environment. Many of them are essential for our survival while others are used for satisfying our needs. Natural resources may be further classified in different ways; on the basis of origin, resources may be divided into: Biotic resources, Abiotic resources, Potential resources, Stock, Reserved Resources and Actual resources. On the basis of renewability, natural resources can be categorized into: Renewable Resources, Non-renewable Resources and Conditionally Renewable Resources.
Human beings are also considered to be resources. The term Human Resources can also be defined as the skills, energies, talents, abilities and knowledge that are used for the production of goods or the rendering of services.
In a project management context, human resources are those employees responsible for undertaking the activities defined in the project plan.
Resources may be also split into tangible and intangible resources. Tangible resources are those resources like equipment, vehicles which have actual physical existence; whereas intangible resources are things like corporate images, brands and patents that are present but cannot be grasped or contained.
Many resources cannot be consumed in their original form. They have to be processed in order to change them into more usable commodities. This is known as resource development. With increasing population, the demand for resources has also increased. However, there is a difference in distribution of resources between regions or countries. Developed countries use more natural resources than developing countries.
随着全球范围内人口的增多,对资源的需求也在不断增加。然而,不同国家或地区之间的资源分布(resource distribution)情况各不相同。发达国家所使用的资源要多于发展中国家。
如何节约资源(save resources)?
(1)全面落实科学发展观(scientific concept of development),坚持可持续发展(sustainable development)战略。
(2)发展循环经济(circular economy),加快建设节约型、环境友好型社会(environment-friendly society)、促进经济的发展与人口资源环境相协调。
(3)走新型工业化道路(New Path of Industrialization),优化产业结构(industrial structure)。
(4)转变经济发展方式(the mode of economic development),由单纯的物质消耗转到依靠科技进步,科学管理和提高劳动者素质、提高能源的利用率。
(5)充分发挥市场的作用,同时加强宏观调控(macroeconomic control),运用行政、经济和法律手段鼓励环保企业的发展,淘汰一批高污染高耗能的企业。
(6)加强国际间合作(international cooperation)。
(7)树立正确的消费观(consumption concept),基本形成节约资源和保护环境的产业发展方式和消费结构。
Key words & Sentences
Promoting the use of aluminum containers in preference to others might actually conserve resources.
We will make endeavors to promote a new production and consumption mode that is conducive to resources saving and environmental protection so as to build beautiful and prosperous homeland.
The relevant local administrative departments for economics and trade, and the relevant administrative departments for environmental protection shall publicize the name of the enterprise and the results of its resource conservation and pollution control and prevention in the primary local media.
We know that we must make prudent use of natural resources.
In mining mineral resources, a mining enterprise or individual must economize on the use of land.
We should effectively protect, rationally exploit and economize on natural resources.
Gratifying progress has been made in resources protection, development and conservation.
We must lose no time in solving the problem of water shortages in some areas and build the south-to-north water diversion project.
Water recycle is a good way to save our resources.
Disassembly is an important method of saving resource, protecting environment and containing development.
What I can do is saving the resources as far as possible in my daily life and publicize pro-environment.
Producing iron-base PM parts with scrap steel powder instead of common steel powder will decrease the production cost and economize resource greatly.
Energy efficiency in buildings is a significant act of saving resources, protecting environment, improving living standard and realizing persistent development strategy in our country.
In order to save the land resources, many enterprises have used the automated multi-layered storehouse.
Let's Talk!
Rebecca: In recent years, the conflicts often break out between countries, world peace is very difficult to achieve.
Vivian: Why?
Rebecca: Some for the territory, others for religion conflicts, and still more for resource.
Vivian: Owing more territory means owing more resources.
Rebecca: Right. In the past, all countries exploited their local resources for their economic development. However, along with the rapid development of global economy, the needs for resources keep increasing rather than decrease, which force them to gain more resources.
Vivian: The oil resources in the Middle East Region and Africa have become the target for other countries to fight for.
Rebecca: Yes. Not only other countries who convet these resources, conflicts also break out among these countries themselves.
Vivian: Japan is strategic in using other countries' resources.
Rebecca: Tell me in details, please.
Vivian: Japan is a small country that is lack of resources, with its local resources couldn't meet the need of development. Therefore, Japan signed contracts with African countries to dig oil in Africa continent. This measure was even many years earlier than America.
Rebecca: That means most of the oil used for Japanese development come from Africa?
Vivian: Not only from Africa, but other countries.
Rebecca: But it is not sustainable development if just relies on the resource exploitation, and the world resources must be used out some time in future.
Vivian: Absolutely right, so we have to save resources.
Rebecca: How to save resources?
Vivian: Decrease water waste, purchase low petrol consumption cars, protect forests and forbid deforestation, etc.
Rebecca: What's more, we should endeavor to develop new reproducible resources.