第7章 奇葩囧语(2)
"Sorry,madam,"said the doctor,"I am afraid you will have to use a pencil."
16 They Are Directly from America
Not long after an old Asian woman came back to Asia from her visit to her daughter in the States.She went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her.At the bank counter,the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real.It made the old lady out of patience.
At last she could not hold any more,uttering:
“Trust me,sir,and trust the money.They are real US dollars.They are directly from America."
17 Why Is She Screaming
Once a music teacher took her class to enjoy the first‐grand opera.The lights began to dim,the conductor began waving his baton,and the soprano started singing.
After a while,one of the students asked the teacher,"Why does the conductor keep waving his stick at the woman?What has she done?"
So the teacher said,"Oh.don’t worry.It’s just the way it is.He won’t hit her!Don’t worry."
And so the student asked,"Then why is she screaming?"
18 How Much do You Figure I Owe You
When a time operator found that his office safe had jammed,hecalled the nearby state prison asked whether any of the inmates mightknow how to open it.
Soon,a convict and a prison guard showed up at the office.The inmate spun the dials,listened intently and calmly opened the safedoor.
"I’m much obliged."said the mine operator,"How much doyou figure I owe you?"
"Well,"said the prisoner,"the last time I opened a safe I got$35,000."
19 I’ll Go There Myself in A Few Minutes
There was once a landlord who always pretended he was knowledgeable though he was completely unable to read or write.
One day when the landlord was chatting with his guests,a servant came in and gave him a letter that asked him to lend a cow.The landlord was afraid that his guests would know he was unable to read and write,so he opened the envelope and glanced over the words.Then he said to the servant,"OK,please tell him I’ll go there myself in a few minutes."
20 Bad News
A man walked into a bar and asked for five shots of vodka.The bartender said,"Five shots?What’s wrong?"
"I found out my older brother is a gay."replied the man.
The next night,he walked into the bar again and asked for five shots of vodka."What now?"asked the bartender.
"I found out my younger brother is a gay."replied the man.
The night after that,the man walked into the bar again and asked for five shots of vodka."Buddy,does anybody in your family like women?"asked the bartender.
The man replied,"Yeah,my wife does."
21 Logic Reasoning
A fifrth‐grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic.
"Here is the situation."she said,"A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river,fishing.He loses his balance,falls in,and begins splashing and yelling for help.His wife hears the commotion,knows that he can’t swim,and runs down to the bank.Why do you think she ran to the bank?"
A girl raised her hand and asked,"To draw out all of his savings?"
22 That Was before I Tried It
A guy comes into the circus office and says,"I can climb up the center tent pole,dive off with no tent,land on my head in the middle of the ring,stand up and take a bow-all for $300."
"I don’t know,"says the ringmaster,"I’d have to see it first."
So the guy climbs up,jumps,lands on his head,stands up and bows.
"Okay!"shouts the ringmaster,"You’re hired for$300."
"Not $300,"says the guy,"$500!"
"I thought you just said $300."complains the ringmaster.
The guy says,"That was before I tried it."
23 Goldberg
A teacher was always so involved in the text being studied that he never looked up.He would call on a student for translation and explanation,and he often chose the same student day after day.Out of respect,the student wouldn’t point this out to him.
After being called on five days in a row,a student named Goldberg asked advice from his friends.
The next day when the teacher said,"Goldberg,translate and explain."
Goldberg replied,"Goldberg is absent today."
"All right."said the teacher,"You translate and explain."
24 An Unusual Way
A teacherof English had an unusual way to in struct com position.Once,as he called his class in order,the classroom burst open and in came a very attractive dark‐haired girl.
"Mary,"the teacher cried,leaping up from the desk,"Mary,darling!"