第6章 奇葩囧语(1)
1 Send the Bill to My Father
Doctor: I can do nothing for your complaint.It is hereditary.
Patient: Then send the bill to my father,please.
2 How about That
A man visiting a graveyard saw a tombstone that read,"Here lies Alva,a lawyer and an honest man."
"How about that!"he exclaimed."They’ve got three people buried in one grave."
3 I’ve Got the Wrong Room
"A beautiful woman appeared in the doorway of my hotel room and said,‘Oh,no,I’ve got the wrong room.’"Henry relates.
"But I told,‘You’ve got the right room-you’re just 20 years too late!’"
4 You’re Facing the Wrong Way
In a cinema,a lady turned round and said to the giggling school girls behind her,"Do you mind,I’m trying to watch the film."
"In that case,"said one of them,"you’re facing the wrong way."
5 How Do I Breathe
A friend of mine explained how his eyes had watered when he sliced onions.Trying to be helpful,I told him his eyes wouldn’t tear if he cut the onions under water.
"Well,yes,"he said,"but how do I breathe?"
6 Protest
A drunk stands up in a bar and shouts,"All Lawyers are scumbags."
Another drunk stands up and yells,"Hey,I resent that remark."
The first drunk yells,"Why,are you a lawyer?"
"No,"said the second drunk,"I’m a scumbag."
7 Beat Your Son
Mr.Blake was watching TV when his seven‐year‐old son came into the room crying,"Daddy,my grandpa slapped me in the face."
Hearing that,Mr.Blake became so angry that he suddenly boxed his own ears heavily and said,"You beat my son and I dare to beat yours."
8 I Thought You Were Landing
A small plane with an instructor and student on board hit the runway and bounced repeatedly until it came to a stop.
The instructor turned to the student and said,"That was a very bad landing you just made."
"Me?"replied the student,"I thought you were landing."
9 Where Am I
An Englishman lost his way while he was driving in the countryside.He saw a farmer working in the field nearby,so he went nearer in his car and asked the farmer,"Excuse me,can you tell me where I am?"
"Yes,"the farmer looked at him strangely and said,"you are in your car,sir."
10 Go Home for My Pyjamas
Mr.Billy had spent the evening visiting his old friend Mr.Moore,but when the time came for him to leave there was a sudden thunderstorm and the rain began to fall in torrents.
"You’d better stay the night."said Mr.Moore.
"Thanks,I will."said Mr.Billy,"I’ll just go home for my pyjamas."
11 Keep Feeding
A mother saw her three‐year‐old son put a nickel in his mouth and swallowed.She immediately picked him up,turned him upside down and hit him on the back,whereupon he coughed up two dimes.Frantically,she called to the father outside,"Your son just swallowed a nickel and coughed up two dimes!What shall I do?"
Yelled back the father,"Keep feeding him nickels!"
12 Lawyer and Engineer
A lawyer and an engineer were fishing in the Caribbean.The lawyer,said."I’m here because my house burned down,and then insurance company paid for everything.""That’s quite a coincidence,"said the engineer,"I’m here because my house destroyed by a flood,and my insurance company also paid for everything."
The lawyer lookd somewhat confused."How do you start a flood?"he asked.
13 I’m a Grandfather
I was elated when my son called me from Japan with the wonderful news of my grandson’s birth.I took down all an the statistics and turned to relate it all to my co‐workers."I’m a grandfather!"I declared,"It’s a baby boy,and he weighs seven pounds.""When was he born?"someone asked.Recalling the date my son told me,I stopped,looked at the calendar and said in amazement,"Tomorrow!"
14 A Burglar Can’t Find Me Either
My brother got a call from a security firm that offered him a promotional burglar alarm at no charge.Happy to get something for free,he gave the caller directions to his farm.But no one showed up.The next morning the supplier called him to say that he was lost."I’ll try again to find you,"he said."Never mind,"said my brother,"If you can’t find me,I don’t expect a burglar can either."
15 Use a Pencil
A lady got her doctor on the phone.
"Come quick,doc."she cried,"My one‐year‐old boy just swallowed my fountain pen."
"I’ll come over as soon as possible,"sald the doctor,"but there are several patients in my off ice now and you may not see me for two or three hours."
"Two or three hours!"cried the lady,"What shall I do in themeantime?"