更新时间:2021-09-03 09:51:07
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Chapter 1. Data Visualization
Defining data visualization
Introducing the D3 library
Chapter 2. Reusable Charts
Creating reusable charts
Using the barcode chart
Creating a layout algorithm
Chapter 3. Creating Visualizations without SVG
SVG support in the browser market
Visualizations without SVG
Using canvas and D3
Chapter 4. Creating a Color Picker with D3
Creating a slider control
Creating a color picker
Chapter 5. Creating User Interface Elements
Highlighting chart elements
Creating tooltips
Selecting a range with brushing
Chapter 6. Interaction between Charts
Learning the basics of Backbone
The stock explorer application
Chapter 7. Creating a Charting Package
The development workflow
Creating the package contents
The project setup
Using the package in other projects
Chapter 8. Data-driven Applications
Creating the application
Hosting the visualization with GitHub Pages
Hosting the visualization in Amazon S3
Chapter 9. Creating a Dashboard
Defining a dashboard
Good practices in dashboard design
Making a dashboard
Chapter 10. Creating Maps
Obtaining geographic data
Creating maps with D3
Chapter 11. Creating Advanced Maps
Using cartographic projections
Creating a rotating globe
Creating an interactive star map
Projecting raster images with D3
Chapter 12. Creating a Real-time Application
Collaborating in real time with Firebase
Creating a Twitter explorer application
Creating the streaming server
Creating the client application