更新时间:2021-06-24 15:39:54
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Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure
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Section 1: The Basics
Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes
Technical requirements
The foundational technologies that enable AKS
You build it you run it
Everything is a file
Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
Entering the Azure portal
Creating an Azure portal account
Navigating the Azure portal
Creating your first AKS
Using Azure Cloud Shell
Section 2: Deploying on AKS
Application Deployment on AKS
Deploying the sample guestbook application
Introducing the application
Deploying the first master
Examining the deployment
Redis master
Fully deploying of the sample guestbook application
Exposing the Redis master service
Deploying the Redis slaves
Deploying and exposing the frontend
Exposing the frontend service
The guestbook application in action
The helm way of installing complex applications
The helm init command
Installing WordPress
Persistent Volume Claims
Your own WordPress site
Scaling Your Application to Thousands of Deployments
Scaling your application
Implementing independent scaling
Scaling the guestbook frontend component
Handling failure in AKS
Node failures
Diagnosing out-of-resource errors
Reducing the number of replicas to the bare minimum
Reducing CPU requirements
Cleanup of the guestbook deployment
Fixing storage mount issues
Starting the WordPress install
Persistent volumes
Handling node failure with PVC involvement
Upgrading your application
kubectl edit
Helm upgrade
Single Sign-On with Azure AD
HTTPS support
Installing Ingress
Launching the Guestbook application
Adding Lets Ingress
Adding LetsEncrypt
Installing the certificate manager
Mapping the Azure FQDN to the nginx ingress public IP
Installing the certificate issuer
Creating the SSL certificate
Securing the frontend service connection
Authentication versus authorization
Authentication and common authN providers
Deploying the oauth2_proxy side car
Monitoring the AKS Cluster and the Application
Commands for monitoring applications
kubectl get command
kubectl describe command
Debugging applications
Image Pull errors
Application errors
Scaling down the frontend