第一节 同义替换
同义替换是雅思听力中的一个重要考点,各种题型中都会出现。在Cambridge IELTS 7至Cambridge IELTS 14的1 280道听力题目中,有85%以上的题目都涉及了同义替换。
一是同义词的替换。这是最简单的一种替换,也是雅思听力考试中最常出现的。比如,题目中的关键词是altogether,在录音中该词有可能被替换成in total、in all等同义词。
二是词性的替换。比如,题目中的关键词是very important,在录音中该词组有可能被替换成of great importance。
三是同反义词的替换。比如,题目中的关键词是close,而录音中说的是not open。
Example 1 (Cambridge IELTS 14 Test 1 Section 4 Question 31)

Producing enough energy to meet our needs has become a serious problem. Demand is rising rapidly, because of the world’s increasing population and expanding industry.Burning fossil fuels, like gas, coal and oil, seriously damages the environment and they’ll eventually run out. For a number of years now, scientists have been working out how we can derive energy from renewable sources, such as the sun and wind, without causing pollution. Today I’ll outline marine renewable energy—also called ocean energy—which harnesses the movement of the oceans.
· More energy required because of growth in population and 31………………… .
预测: 画出题目中的关键词growth in population。根据题目中的population and …………,预知要填一个名词。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这句话:Demand is rising rapidly, because of the world’s increasing population and expanding industry.
考点: 同义替换。题目中的关键词是growth in popu lation,录音中与之同义替换的表达是increasing population,录音中的expanding和题目中的growth是同义替换。由于题目要求只填写1个词,所以答案就是industry。
Example 2 (Cambridge IELTS 13 Test 3 Section 1 Questions 2 and 3)

MATT: No. That sounds alright. I’ll definitely have a look there. Are the transport links easy from where you live?
LINDA: Well, I’m very lucky. I work in the city centre so I don’t have to use pub lic transport. I go by bike.
MATT: Oh, I wish I cou ld do that. Is it safe to cycle around the city?
LINDA: Yes, it’s fine. And it keeps me fit. Anyway, driving to work in the city centre would be a nightmare because there’s hardly any parking. And the traffic during the rush hour can be bad.
· Linda travels to work by 2 ……………………
预测: 画出题目中的关键词travels to work by。根据题目中的by…………,预知要填某种交通工具。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这句话:I go by bike.
考点: 同义替换。题目中的关键词是travels to work by,录音中与之同义替换的表达是go by,答案就是bike,也可以写它的同义词bicycle。
· Lim ited 3……………………in city centre.
预测: 画出题目中的关键词Limited。根据题目中的Limited…………,预知要填名词,表示一种很有限的东西。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这句话:Anyway, driving to work in the city centre would be a nightmare because there’s hardly any parking.
考点: 同义替换。题目中的关键词是limited,录音中与之同义替换的表达是there’s hardly any,答案就是parking。
Example 3 (Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 5 Section 1 Question 8)

TC EMPLOYEE: You’d also need to pick up a repair kit for the bike from there to take along with you, and you’d need to take along a snack and some water— it’d be best to get those in the city.
VISITOR: Fine. That shou ldn’t be a problem. And I assume I can rent a helmet from the bike place?
TC EMPLOYEE: Sure, you should definitely get that.
a 8……………………(can be hired)
预测: 画出题目中的关键词hired。根据题目中的a…………,预知要填名词,表示一种东西。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这句话:And I assume I can rent a helmet from the bike place?
考点: 同义替换。题目中的关键词是hired,录音中与之同义替换的表达是rent,答案就是helmet。
Example 4 (Cambridge IELTS 11 Test 3 Section 1 Questions 7 and 8)

SUE:Now I’ve heard something about Paxton Nature Reserve. It’s a good place for spotting unusual birds, isn’t it?
MARTIN:That’s right—throughout the year. There is a lake there, as well as a river, and they provide a very attractive habitat. So it’s a good idea to bring binoculars if you have them. And just at the moment you can see various flowers that are pretty unusual—the soil at Paxton isn’t very common. They’re looking good right now.
SUE: Right. My husband will be particularly interested in that.
7 Paxton is a good place for seeing rare ………………… all year round.
预测: 画出题目中的关键词seeing rare。根据题目中的seeing rare…………,预知要填名词,表示看到的某种稀有的东西。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这段对话:
SUE:Now I’ve heard something about Paxton Nature Reserve. It’s a good place for spotting unusual birds, isn’t it?
MARTIN: That’s right—throughout the year.
考点: 同义替换。空格前的关键词是seeing rare,录音中与之同义替换的表达是spotting unusual,答案就是birds。另外,定位句中的throughout the year和空格后的all year round也是同义替换。
8 This is a particularly good time for seeing certain unusual ………………… .
预测: 画出题目中的关键词seeing certain unusual。根据题目中的seeing certain unusual ………………… ,预知要填名词,表示看到的某种不寻常的东西。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这段话:And just at the moment you can see various flowers that are pretty unusual—the soil at Paxton isn’t very common. They’re looking good right now.
考点: 同义替换。空格前的关键词是seeing certain unusual,录音中与之同义替换的表达是see various,答案就是flowers。
Example 5 (Cambridge IELTS 11 Test 1 Section 2 Question 11)

Welcome to the Fiddy Working Heritage Farm. This open-air museum gives you the experience of agriculture and rural life in the English countryside at the end of the nineteenth century. So you’ll see a typical farm of that period, and like me, all the staff are dressed in clothes of that time.
I must give you some advice and safety tips before we go any further. As it’s a working farm, please don’t frighten or injure the animals. We have a lot here, and many of them are breeds that are now quite rare.
Fiddy Working Heritage Farm
Advice about visiting the farm
Visitors should
·take care not to harm any 11 …………………
答案: animal/animals
预测: 画出题目中的关键词not to harm。根据题目中的not to harm …………,预知要填一个名词,表示不能伤害的事物。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这句话: As it’s a working farm, please don’t frighten or injure the animals.
考点: 同义替换。定位句中的don’t frighten or injure和空格前的not to harm是同义替换,答案就是animals,也可以写animal。
Example 6 (Cambridge IELTS 8 Test 1 Section 2 Question 12)

Hello, and thank you for asking me to your teachers’ meeting to talk about the Dinosaur Museum and to tell you a bit about what you can do with your students there.
Well, let me give you some of the basic information first. In regard to opening hours,we’re open every day of the week from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm except on Mondays when we close at 1.30 pm. And, in fact the only day in the year when we’re closed is on the 25th of December. You can book a guided tour for your school group any time that we’re open.
12 The museum is not open on ………………… .
答案:25 December/Christmas Day
预测: 画出题目中的关键词not open。根据题目中的not open on …………,预知要填日期。
定位: 根据关键词定位到录音中的这句话:And, in fact the only day in the year when we’re closed is on the 25th of December.
考点: 同义替换。题目中的关键词是not open,录音中与之同义替换的表达是closed,后面听到的日期是the 25th of December。由于题目要求填写不超过2个词和/或 1个数字,所以答案就是25 December。由于这一天是圣诞节,所以答案也可以写Christmas Day。