1.2 翻译的原则
18世纪末,英国学者亚历山大·泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler,1747—1814)在《论翻译的原则》 (Essay on the Principles of Translation)一书中提出了著名的翻译三原则,具体如下:
(1)译文应完全复写出原作的思想(A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work);
(2)译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同(The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original);
(3)译文应和原作同样流畅(A translation should have all the ease of the original composition)。
在泰特勒看来,要维持原作的文体最难,其次是形式,再其次是内容。这是泰特勒把内容(原作的主题与思想)、形式(原作的写作技巧与风格)和文体(原作者通篇的组织和文气)分开来看的结果。因为译者只需要能精通原作的语意,了解原作者的主题和情愫,将它译写出来,或许在不得已的状况下,小心对原作或加或减,大体上就可以了,所以是最容易的。其次,即使译者已对原作者的想法了然于心,也看出了原作的风格样貌,仍然难以很成功地将原作的风格样貌译出来;除非译者能模仿(imitate)出原作的“真品味” (the most correct taste),能常设身处地(从原作者的角度)来考虑,否则不易成功。最难的是文体,是整体的、相同的文气和效力(force and effect)的翻译;这个阶段除了结合“内容”和“形式”外,整个翻译过程要能表现出原作的“神采”(spirit)和“泰然自若”(ease)。泰特勒认为,译者与画家的区别在于:画家可以用与原作相同的材质来复制,但译者所使用的则是不同的素材(语言),即使译者能够捕捉到原作的笔触,但在译文里也不一定就能再现原作的神采和泰然自若。译者“必须既用原作者的灵魂,又以他自己的发音器官来说话”。换而言之,译者在把原作的流畅笔触移植到自己的译文中时,需要正确的鉴赏力,如此才不至于使自己的译文流于放纵。
【例1】 Reading maketh a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man.And therefore,if a man write little,he had need have a great memory;if he confer little,he had need have a present wit;and if he read little,he had need have much cunning,to seem to know that he doth not.Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtile;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.Abeunt studia in mores....(Francis Bacon,Of Studies)
【例2】 Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.(Francis Bacon,Of Studies)
【点评】 在表达同一个意思时,偏重静态的英语较多地使用名词,而具有动态特征的汉语则更多地使用动词。王佐良先生的译文将原文的抽象名词delight,ornament和ability都转换成了动词,符合泰特勒提出的第三条翻译原则。
【译文1】Men all know that salvation should be won,But with ambition won’t have done,have done.
Where are the famous ones of days gone by?In grassy graves they lie now,every one.
Men all know that salvation should be won,But with their riches won't have done,have done.
Each day they grumble they've not made enough,When they've enough,it's good night every one!
Men all know that salvation should be won,But with their loving wives they won't have done.
The darlings every day protest their love:But once you're dead,they're off with another one.
Men all know that salvation should be won,But with their children won't have done,have done.
Yet though of parents fond there is no lack,Of grateful children saw I ne'er a one.(Translated by David Hawkes)
【译文2】All men long to be immortals,Yet to riches and rank each aspires;
The great ones of old,where are they now?Their graves are a mass of briars.
All men long to be immortals,Yet silver and gold they prize.
And grub for money all their lives,Till death seals up their eyes.
All men long to be immortals,Yet dote on the wives they've wed,Who swear to love their husband evermore,But remarry as soon as he's dead.
All men long to be immortals,Yet with getting sons won't have done.
Although fond parents are legion,Who ever saw a really filial son?(Translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naiyi)
【点评】 上述两种译文都很好地贯彻了泰特勒提出的翻译原则。译文1是戴维·霍克斯于1973年把《好了歌》译作 “Won-Done Song”。译文不仅做到了押韵,而且顾及了中国文化。译文2是杨宪益、戴乃迭于1978—1981年间所做的译文。译者将“世人都晓神仙好”译成了“All men long to be immortals”,准确而精练,更接近中国文化。但“神仙”一词极具中国特色,是英语词汇里难以对等表达的。如果将“神仙”音译成“Shenxian”,并对“Shenxian”采用“加注”的方式,解释成“immortals in a subjunctive world who can free themselves from any care,any disaster,any constraints occurred to any mortal,and who can enjoy every pleasure any mortal can enjoy”,这种翻译似乎更能保留原作的特色。
第一,译文必须保留原文的措词,译文必须传达原文的思想。(A translation must give the words of the original.A translation must give the ideas of the original.)
第二,译文读起来应该像原创作品,译文读起来应该像译文。(A translation should read like an original work.A translation should read like a translation.)
第三,译文应该反映原文的风格,译文应该具有译者的风格。(A translation should reflect the style of the original.A translation should possess the style of the translator.)
第四,译文读起来应该像原文同时代的作品,译文读起来应该像译者同时代的作品。(A translation should read as a contemporary of the original.A translation should read as a contemporary of the translator)
第五,译文可以对原文有所增减,译文不能对原文有所增减。(A translation may add to or omit from the original.A translation may never add to or omit from the original.)
第六,诗歌应当译成散文,诗歌应当译成诗歌。(A translation of verse should be in prose.A translation of verse should be in verse.)
台湾作家兼翻译家余光中先生对翻译原则也有过精妙的论述。他认为,“翻译是西化的合法进口,不像许多创作,在暗里非法西化,令人难防。一篇译文能称为上乘之作,一定是译者功力高强,精通截长补短、化瘀解滞之道,所以,能用无曲不达的中文去诱捕不肯就范的英文。这样的译文,在中西之间折冲樽俎,能不辱中文的使命,却带回俯首就擒的英文,虽不能就成为创作,却是‘西而化之’的好文章。” 余光中把翻译看作是一种创作,是一种“有限的创作”。前苏联著名翻译理论家A.A.思米尔诺夫宣称,译文要能够传达作者的全部意图(既包括其深思熟虑的,也包括其无意识的),即作者在对读者产生一定思想感情上的艺术作用这个意义上的全部意图,而且要尽可能地保留作者所运用的形象、色彩、节奏等各种手段;不能把后者看成是目的本身,而只能看作是总效果的一种手段。这无疑就需要译者对原文中某些次要的成分加以舍弃。说到底,翻译不只是在另一种语言中寻找意义相似的其他词语,而是寻找表达事物的适当方式。翻译要始终立足于语义,这种语义是从源语到译语转换的基础,并且这种转换不仅仅是一种语言形式上的转换。