
Unit One The Book of Poetry(《诗经》)


The Book of Poetry(Shijing),the first anthology of Chinese poems,was written by some anonymous authors dating from 10th to 7th centuries B.C.It was popular around the region from the north of the Yellow River basin to the Jianghan Drainage Area during the period from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the mid Spring and Autumn Period.It comprises 305 poems and is said to have been complied by Confucius.There were four earliest versions of The Book of Poetry:in the states of Lu(by Shen Gong,),Qi(by Hou Cang and Master Sun)and Han(by Han Ying),and Duke Mao.Only the Mao version has survived until now,and the commentaries to the Han version have survived in the collection Hanshi Waizhuan(《韩诗外传》).As early as in the Western Han Dynasty,it became one of“Five Classics”with other four books which are Book of Documents(《尚书》),Book of Rites(《礼记》),I Ching(《易经》),Spring and Autumn Annals(《春秋》)as some of the Western Han Dynasty officials adopted Confucianism as the guiding principles of Chinese society.

the antiquated edition in 1920's

The Book of Poetry has four divisions:Feng(Airs of the States),Xiao Ya(the Minor Odes),Da Ya(the Major Odes)and Song(Hymns).Feng is the collection of 160 short lyrics generally recording the love and emotions of the common people.Xiao Ya and Da Ya,both sung at courts or banquets,respectively comprises 74 social critical odes and 31 odes praising the Zhou Dynasty.Song,including 40 hymns in the three parts of the Hymns of Zhou,the Hymns of Lu,and the Hymns of Shang,was used by the upper class during their sacrifices to the gods and ancestors.Each poem in The Book of Poetry is framed in a Small Preface(Xiao Xu),and the first poem of each division has a Great Preface(Da Xu).The Small Prefaces introduce some general background on authors and society,and the Great Prefaces serve a moral or political interpretation of the poems.

The Book of Poetry had a very profound influence on ancient China in terms of culture,language,politics and thinking.Since it received the high praise of Confucius,a sage of China in Spring and Autumn Period,it has played an important part in the daily life of Chinese people.It is believed that through the study of The Book of Poetry people could highly promote the capabilities of observation and personal cultivation.And most importantly,it has exerted a great effect on Chinese literature.As the oldest extant collection of Chinese poetry,it is the onset of Chinese classical poetry.Its poetry style and measure have also been used in the study of Old Chinese phonology since the Qing Dynasty.Its spirit of realism paved a new way for the development of the Chinese literature of later times.Until now,it has been studied and memorized by scholars from all over the world over two millennia.It is a precious cultural heritage the people of ancient China left to the world.


Cooing and Wooing(Songs of Zhou)

By riverside are cooing

A pair of turtledoves;

A good young man is wooing

A fair maiden he loves.

Water flows left and right

Of cresses here and there;

The youth yearns day and night

For the good maiden fair.

His yearning grows so strong,

He cannot fall sleep.

He tosses all night long,

So deep in love,so deep.

Now gather left and right

The cresses sweet and tender!

O lute,play music bright

For the bride sweet and slender!

Feast friends at left and right

With cresses cooked tender!

O bells and drums,delight

The bride so fair and slender!

(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)

Dense Millets

Dense millets grow in all the fields,

Green sorghumseedlings wave in wind.

For a long walk I can hardly take,

Past events make my heartsink.

Intimate persons say I am worried,

But outsiders complain what else I want.

Oh!The distant heaven is there,

Who has done such evil thing?

Dense millets grow in all the fields,

Red sorghum spikes drop down.

For a long walk I can hardly take,

Past events like wine make me drunk.

Intimate persons say I am worried,

But outsiders complain what else I want.

Oh!The distant heaven is there,

Who has done such evil thing?

Dense millets grow in all the fields,

Ripe sorghum grainspile up.

For a long walk I can hardly take,

Many past events make me choked.

Intimate persons say I am worried,

But outsiders complain what else I want.

Oh!The distant heaven is there,

Who has done such evil thing?

(Translated by Wang Fanglu)

Tsze K'in

O you,with the blue collar,

Prolonged is the anxiety of my heart.

Although I do not go(to you),

Why do you not continue your messages(to me)?

O you,with the blue(strings to your)girdle-gems,

Long,long do I think of you.

Although I do not go(to you).

Why do you not come(to me)?

How volatile are you and dissipated,

By the look-out tower on the wall!

One day without the sight of you,

Is like three months.

(Translated by James Legge)

A Wood Cutter's Song(Songs of Wei)

Chop,chop our blows on the trees go;

On riverside we pile up wood.

See clear and rippling water flow.

How can those who nor reap nor sow

Have three hundred sheaves of corn in their place?

How can those who nor hunt nor chase

Have in their courtyard badgers of each race?

Those lords are good

Who need not work for good.

Chop,chop our blows for wheel-spokes go;

On river shore we pile up wood.

See clear water straightforward flow.

How can those who nor reap nor sow

Have three millions of sheaves in their place?

How can those who nor hunt nor chase

Have in their courtyard games of each race?

Those lords are good

Who need not work to eat their food.

Chop,chop our blows for the wheels go;

At river brink we pile up wood.

See clear and dimpling water flow.

How can those who nor reap nor sow

Have three hundred ricks of corn in their place?

How can those who nor hunt nor chase

Have in their courtyard winged games of each race?

Those lords are good

Who do not have to work for food.

(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)

The Reed (Songs of Qin)

Green,green the reed,

Dew and frost gleam.

Where's she I need?

Beyond the stream.

Upstream I go ,

The way is long;

Downstream I go.

She's thereamong;

White,white the reed,

Dew not yet dried.

Where's she I need?

On the other side .

Upstream I go;

Hard is the way.

Downstream I go;

She's far away.

Bright,bright the reed,

Dew and frost blend.

Where's she I need?

At river's end.

Upstream I go;

The way does wind .

Downstream I go;

She's far behind.

(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)

Gather the Thorn-ferns

Let us gather the thorn-ferns,let us gather the thorn-ferns;

The thorn-ferns are now springing up .

When shall we return?When shall we return?

It will be late in the(next)year.

Wife and husband will be separated ,

Because of the Xian-yun .

We shall have no leisure to rest ,

Because of the Xian-yun.

Let us gather the thorn-ferns,let us gather the thorn-ferns;

The thorn-ferns are now tender .

When shall we return?When shall we return?

Our hearts are sorrowful;

Our hearts are sad and sorrowful;

We shall hunger,we shall thirst.

While our service on guard is not finished,

We can send no one home to enquire about our families.

Let us gather the thorn-ferns,let us gather the thorn-ferns;

The thorn-ferns are now hard.

When shall we return?When shall we return?

The year will be in the tenth month .

But the king's business must not be slackly performed;

We shall have no leisure to rest.

Our sorrowing hearts are in great distress;

But we shall not return from our expedition.

What is that so gorgeous?

It is the flowers of the cherry tree.

What carriage is that?

It is the carriage of our general.

His war carriage is yoked;

The four steeds are strong.

Dare we remain inactive?

In one month we shall have three victories .

The four steeds are yoked,

The four steeds,eager and strong;

The confidence of the general,

The protection of the men.

The four steeds move regularly,like wings;

There are the bow with its ivory ends ,and the seal-skin quiver .

Shall we not daily warn one another?

The business of the Xian-yun is very urgent.

At first,when we set out,

The willows were fresh and green;

Now,when we shall be returning,

The snow will be falling in clouds.

Long and tedious will be our marching;

We shall hunger;we shall thirst.

Our hearts are wounded with grief,

And no one knows our sadness.

(Translated by James Legge)


① turtledoves,“雎鸠”,一种水鸟名。

② A good young man,“君子”,《诗经》中对贵族男子的通称。

③ cresses,“荇菜”,草本植物,叶浮于水面。

④ millets,“黍”,一种农作物,即糜子,籽实去皮后叫黄米,有黏性,可以酿酒、做糕等。

⑤ sorghum,“稷”,谷子,一说高粱。黍的一个变种,散穗,籽实不黏或黏性不及黍者为稷。

⑥ my heart,“中心”,指内心。

⑦ grains,“实”,籽粒。

⑧ Tsze,“子”,古代对男子的美称。

⑨ K'in,“衿”,衣领。

⑩ continue your messages,“嗣音”,传音讯。嗣,通“贻”,音yí。

⑪ the look-out tower,“城阙”,城门楼。

⑫ riverside,“干(àn)”,通“岸”,水边。

⑬ reap,“稼”,播种。

⑭ sow,“穑”,收获。


⑯ nor hunt nor chase,“不狩不猎”,不打猎。狩,冬猎;猎,夜猎。诗中皆泛指打猎。

⑰ ricks,“囷(qūn)”,束。一说圆形的谷仓。

⑱ the reed,“蒹葭(jiān jiā)”,芦荻,芦苇。

⑲ upstream I go,“溯洄(sù huí)”,逆流而上。

⑳ on the other side,“湄(méi)”,岸边,水与草交接之处。

㉑ wind,“右”,迂回曲折。

㉒ thorn-ferns,“薇”,豆科野豌豆属的一种,学名叫荒野豌豆,现在称作大巢菜,种子、茎、叶均可食用。

㉓ springing up,“作”,指薇菜冒出地面。

㉔ wife and husband will be separated,“靡(mǐ)室靡家”,没有正常的家庭生活。靡,无。室,与“家”义同。

㉕ Xian-yun,“玁狁(xiǎn yǔn)”,中国北方古代少数民族名,即北狄、匈奴。

㉖ no leisure to rest,“启居”,跪、坐,指休息、休整。启,跪、跪坐。居,安坐、安居。古人席地而坐,两膝着席,危坐时腰部伸直,臀部与足离开;安坐时臀部贴在足跟上。

㉗ tender,“柔”,柔嫩。“柔”指比“作”更进一步的生长,形容刚长出来的薇菜柔嫩的样子。

㉘ enquire about,“聘(pìn)”,问,谓问候。

㉙ the tenth month,“阳”,此处指农历十月,小阳春季节。

㉚ three victories,“三捷”,三次胜利。谓接战、交战。一说,捷,邪出,指改道行军。此句意为一月多次行军。

㉛ivory ends,“象弭(mǐ)”,“弭”为弓的一种,其两端饰以骨角。象弭,以象牙装饰弓端的弭。

㉜ seal-skin quiver,“鱼服”,鱼皮制的箭袋。


1.Why the onomatopoeic Cooing and Wooing,in your opinion,is put at the beginning of The Book of Poetry?

2.What is the relationship between the collecting cresses and courting the lover in the poem of Cooing and Wooing?What kind of spirits could be reflected in Cooing and Wooing?

3.What is the metaphorical meaning of Dense Millets in the poem?

4.What,in you opinion,does the"past events"refer to in the poem?How many figurative speeches has the poet applied to developing the theme of Dense Millets?

5.Why the poet repeatedly mentioned the collar and accessory of her lover in the poem Tsze K'in?How does the poet express the love and missing in the poem Tsze K'im?Discuss with your classmates by giving more examples.

6.According to the verses"How can those who nor hunt nor chase/Have in their courtyard winged games of each race?/Those lords are good/Who do not have to work for food",what issue is raised in the poem The Reed?

7.Apparently"cutting woods"is a symbolized action in the poem A Wood Cutter's Song.What do you think of its function in developing the theme?

8.What is the function of depicting"reeds"in the poem The Reed?Is the tone of the poem happy,ironic,sad,humorous,or detached?How is the tone established and revealed?

9.What is the relationship between the homesickness and"gathering the thorn-ferns"in the poem Gather the Thorn-ferns?What kind of spirits could be reflected in the poem Gather the Thorn-ferns?















《关雎》是《诗经》的首篇,古人把它冠于三百篇之首,说明它在《诗经》中具有不言而喻的重要地位。孔子认为,《关雎》中男主人公在情感表达上的含蓄内敛与自我克制是表现“中庸”(the doctrine of the Mean)之德的典范,谓之“乐而不淫,哀而不伤”(Joyous but not indecent,mournful but not distressing);《毛诗序》则赋予该诗在道德意义上的另一层解读,认为其表现的是典范意义上的夫妇伦理思想,而夫妻为人伦之始,夫妇之德乃天下一切道德纲常的基础。然而后世的很多学者却认为,《关雎》的主题并非如此大义,它的内容其实很单纯,就是描写一位男子追求自己的心上人,从求之不得到求而得之的情绪转换过程。一个“求”字贯穿通篇,男子追求女子过程中的微妙心态纤毫毕现,有首有尾,心理刻画曲折入微,是一篇极传神的男女言情佳作。


《子衿》是一首郑国民歌,全诗共三章,只有四十九个字,采用倒叙的手法,描写了一位女子因思念爱人而产生的既焦灼又责怨的微妙心理。“赋、比、兴”三种手法的交相使用,彼此融合,赋中用比,比中有兴,或起兴后再用赋。“子衿”、“子佩”与爱人的类比,“挑兮达兮,在城阙兮”的平铺直叙,“一日不见,如三月兮”(one day without the sight of you,is like three mouths)的赋中起兴,共同创造了一个痴情女子的艺术形象,使《子衿》成为中国两千年来爱情诗作中永恒不朽的千古绝唱。






1.James Legge,The Shi King,Taipei:SMC Publishing Inc.,1991.

2.William Jennings,The Shi King,London&New York:George Routledge and Sons Limited,1891.

3.Arthur Waley,The Book of Songs,New York:Grove Press,1987.

