第三节 常见合同通用条款
有关合同的定义,学者和立法者从不同的视角给出了不同的定义,其中最经典的为Black’s Law Dictionary中的定义:“an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law”。
《中华人民共和国合同法》第二条规定:“合同是指平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。”中国法律框架下,一个有效合同的构成要素有:合同双方具有完全民事行为能力(legal capacity to contract)、成立合同的合意(agreement of mutual assent reached through offer and acceptance)、交易内容合法或者不违反公序良俗(not be illegal or contrary to public policy)。
英国法有关合同的定义为:“a contract is a legally binding agreement concerning a bargain which is essentially commercial in its nature and involves the sale or hire of commodities such as goods,services or land”,根据英国法,一个合同必不可少的要素有:offer(要约),acceptance(承诺),consideration(对价),intention to create legal relations(建立法律关系的意图)。
美国法有关合同的定义为:“a contract is a promise that one gives voluntarily and with the intent that the contract be enforceable at law”,根据美国法,一个合同必不可少的要素有:competent parties(适格当事人),legal subject matter(标的物合法),legal consideration(合法的对价),mutuality of agreement(合意),mutuality of obligation(双方互负义务)。
“Agreement”是指:although often used as synonym with “contract”,agreement is a broader term,e.g.an agreement might lack an essential element of a contract.合同属于协议的一种,协议的范围比合同大,规定不如合同具体、规范。即:称作合同的,肯定也可称作协议;称作协议的,不见得符合合同的要求。
而covenant,indenture,deed主要针对不动产的转让,指经签字和转移的一方向另一方出让土地、租房或留遗产的书面协议,历史上的“房契”即deed。Compact指自然人、国家、州之间订立的协议、协定或合同,主要指国家间就共同关心的问题达成的协议,这意味着compact一词不大会出现在民事、商事合同中。在实务中,使用较多的是contract和agreement。英文合同名称一般表达格式为:contract for XXX,XXX contract或XXX agreement,如:contracts for international sale of goods(国际货物销售合同),contracts for international technology transfer(国际技术转让合同),contracts for Sino-foreign joint ventures(中外合资经营合同),contracts for international engineering projects(国际工程承包合同),contracts for compensation trade(补偿贸易合同),contracts for Sino-foreign cooperation development of natural resources(中外合作开发自然资源合同),contracts for foreign labor services(涉外劳务合同),contracts for international leasing affairs(国际租赁合同),contract for sale of commodity houses(商品房买卖合同),property management contract(物业管理合同),tenancy agreement(租赁协议),outsourcing agreement(外包协议),technology transfer agreement(技术转让协议)。
合同的序言(preamble)一般包括签署合同的日期和地点、当事人基本信息、当事人合法依据,以及订约缘由/鉴于条款(recitals or WHEREAS clause)。
当事人基本信息一般包含当事人名称、国籍、主要营业地或者住所地等信息,当事人合法依据(each party’s authority)一般指当事人(一般指公司)合法存在所依据的法律,例如:a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of…。订约缘由/鉴于条款则指签订合同的原因。
This Contract is made this 20th date of June,2019 in Zhuhai,China,by and between XXX(Full Name)Company under the Law of China,having its registered address in Zhuhai,its legal address being ________(hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”)and ABC(Full Name)Company under the Law of ________,having its registered address in ________,its legal address being ________(hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”).
Whereas the Seller possesses know-how for the designing,manufacturing,and marketing of ________;
Whereas the Seller has the right and desires to transfer the above-signed know-how to the Buyer;
Whereas the Buyer desires to design,manufacture,sell and export by using the Licensor’s know-how.
Therefore,in considering of the premises and the mutual conveniences,the Buyer agrees to buy,and the Seller agrees to sell the following goods on the terms and conditions as follows:
Transferee(Party A): Transferor(Party B):
Registered Address: Registered Address:
Legal representative: Legal representative:
Contact information: Contact information:
In consideration of:
Party B is the legal owner of ________ formula(hereinafter referred to as “the Formula”),
Party B would like to transfer the above mentioned ________ formula to Party A for use,production,operation and sales,
Party A is willing to accept the “the formula” and agrees to pay Party B transfer fee,
After friendly negotiation between the two parties,the following agreement is hereby reached in accordance with the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”.
受让方(甲方): 转让方(乙方):
住所地: 住所地:
法定代表人: 法定代表人:
联系方式: 联系方式:
XXX,a company incorporated under the laws of the Britain and having its registered seat at Gerengracht 649,2045 CE London,the UK,and
YYY,a company incorporated under the laws of [____] and having its registered seat at [____](the “Partner”).
(i)XXX operates an online accommodation reservation system(the “System”)through which participating Accommodations can make their rooms available for reservation,and through which visitors can make reservations at such Accommodations(the “Service”);
(ii)XXX maintains and exploits its own websites,apps,platform,tools or other devices(collectively the “ XXX Platform”),and also provides the Service and links to the Service on the websites,apps,platform,tools or other devices of third parties;
(iii)the Partner owns,controls,hosts and/or operates one or more websites,apps,platform,tools and/or other devices;
(iv)the Partner and XXX wish to make the Service available on the Partner Platform for the customers and visitors of the Partner Platform(s)and in such form and on such terms and conditions as set out in this Agreement.
XXX,依英国法律成立的公司,注册地为英国伦敦 Gerengracht 649,2045 CE,以及
YYY,依 [____] 法律成立的公司,注册地为 [____](下文简称“合作伙伴”)。
范例一:This contract/agreement is made and entered into by and between ________(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)and ________(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”);
范例二:THIS AGREEMENT is made the ____th day of(month),________(year)by and between ________,a company incorporated in ________(country)and having its registered office/principal place of business/head office at ________(address)(hereinafter called “the Company”)of the one part and ____(ID No:____)of(domicile)(hereinafter called “the Manager”)of the other part;
范例三:Effective as of ________(date)this Agreement is made and entered into between ________(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)and ________(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”).
范例四:Party A:________________Ltd.(“licensor”)
Party B:________________ Co.,Ltd.(“licensee”)
This agreement is made and entered into the 20th day of December 2018 by and between Party A and Party B.
◆ 知识点梳理
1.the contract is made and entered into by and between…:“…与…订立合同”,此结构中的made and entered into,by and between均属法律英语的词汇并列现象。
2.terms and conditions,“条款”,词语并列现象。
3.hereinafter referred to as,“以下简称”,古英语(hereinafter)的使用。
In these Articles,words and expressions defined in the Companies Law shall have the same meaning and,unless otherwise required by the context,(a)the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;(b)the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter and references to persons shall include companies and all legal entities capable of having a legal existence;(c)“may” shall be construed as permissive and “shall” shall be construed as imperative;(d)a reference to a dollar or dollars(or $)is a reference to dollars of the United States of America;and(e)references to a statutory enactment shall include reference to any amendment or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force.
Unless the context otherwise requires in this agreement,word denoting the singular includes the plural and vice versa,and word denoting any one gender includes all genders,and word denoting person includes a natural person,body corporate,unincorporated association and partnership.
For the purpose of this Agreement,“Affiliate” of any party to this Agreement means any corporation which,directly or indirectly,controls such party or is controlled by such party or is under common control with such party,where “Control” means power or ability to direct the management and policies of the controlled corporation through ownership of or control of more than fifty-one percent of the voting shares of the controlled corporation by contract or otherwise.
In this Agreement,save where the context otherwise requires or the Agreement otherwise provides,capitalised words and expressions shall have the meanings given to them in Appendix 1.
三、语言与文本份数条款(Language and Copies)
This contract is made out in two originals,each copy written in Chinese and English languages,both texts being equally valid.In case of any divergence of interpretation,the Chinese text shall prevail.
This contract is in both Chinese and English.In case of discrepancy between the interpretations of the two versions,the Chinese version shall prevail.
The contract is in duplicate,and each party holds a counterpart of it.The two counterparts have equal legal effect.
This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and they shall have the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the agreement.
◆ 知识点拓展
In duplicate 一式两份
In triplicate 一式三份
In quadruplicate 一式四份
In quintuplicate 一式五份
In sextuplicate 一式六份
In septuplicate 一式七份
In octuplicate 一式八份
In nonuplicate 一式九份
In decuplicate 一式十份
This contract shall take effect upon signature of both parties or their legal representative or duly authorized representative,affixed with corporate official seal.The contract is valid for ________ years,from month________date________year________to________month________date________year________.
This Agreement shall become effective upon signature of the representatives of both parties hereto,affixed with corporate seal.
This agreement is valid from the date of signature to two years after the date of acceptance.Upon expiration of the agreement,this agreement may be renewed through mutual agreement.If the parties do not raise an objection within 10 working days after the expiration of the agreement,the service terms of this agreement will automatically renew for one year.
The terms of this contract are the full and complete agreement between the parties on the brokerage matters.The amendment to this contract shall be valid only after the written consent of both parties and signed and sealed by both parties.Matters not covered in this contract shall be settled separately by the parties.
五、保证条款(Representations and Warranties)
Representations(陈述)与Warranties(保证)本来是两个概念。按照权威的Black’s Law Dictionary的解释,“representations(陈述)”的含义是“a representation of fact—either by words or by conducts,made to induce someone to act,esp.,to enter into a contract(通过言辞或行为呈现某种事实,以促使相对方做出相应行为,比如订立合同)”。合同保证条款中的“representations(陈述)”大多用来说明当事人的主体资格或权利能力、行为能力等问题。而“warranties(保证)”则指“an express or implied promise that something in furtherance of the contract is guaranteed by one of the contracting parties;esp.,the seller’s promise that the thing being sold is represented or promised(合同一方提供的明示或默示的保证条款,尤其是在买卖合同中卖方向买方做出的质量保证)”。但是,基于两者都是当事人针对过去曾经发生或现在存在,并可能影响合同效力的事实,所以现在的英文合同经常将两者连用,构成一组并列词组“represent and warrant”或“representations and warranties(陈述与保证)”。
保证条款又分为“明示保证(express warranties)”和“默示保证(implied warranties)”。明示保证在合同中明确约定,如有关起重机的跨度、提升高度、提升速度、运行电压等的保证,属于明示保证,而默示保证则是对所售商品或服务所有权或法律上的保证(statutory warranties),如顾客买部手机,手机能够正常通话是默示保证,电暖风能够致暖也是默示保证,无需卖方就此做出书面或者其他形式的明示保证或者承诺。
Party A represents and warrants that there are no conditions at,on,under,or related to,the real property constituting all or any portion of the Land which presently or potentially pose a hazard to human health or the environment,whether or not in compliance with law,and there has been no manufacture,use,treatment,storage,transportation,or disposal of any hazardous or toxic substance,pollutant,or contaminant on the Land nor any release of any hazardous or toxic substance,pollutant,or contaminant into or upon or over the land.
Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims,charges,easement,encumbrances,lease,covenants,security interest,liens,option,pledge,rights of others,or restrictions,whether imposed by agreement,understanding,law,equity or otherwise.
Party B guarantees the technicality,practicality and reliability of “the Formula” and warrants that the technical secret does not infringe on the legal rights of any third party.Should a third party accuse Party A of technical secret infringement,Party B shall take relevant actions to eliminate the allegation and compensate Party A for the economic losses suffered therefrom.
Party B warrants that Party B has all the intellectual property rights of the software under the contract.In case of any intellectual property disputes with the software sold by Party B to Party A,Party A shall not bear any joint and several liability.Party B warrants that the software under this contract or any right granted to Party A will not infringe on any third party’s intellectual property rights such as copyright,patent,trademark etc.,nor violate the exclusive right of information of any third party,nor exist any pending litigation against the software of Party B.
If any of the above representations and warranties of a Party are not accurate in all material respects on the date hereof,then such Party shall be deemed to be in material breach of this Contract.
Seller warrants that all products sold hereunder shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of six(6)months from the date of Buyer’s receipt(warranty).In the event of a breach of this warranty,Seller shall,at Seller’s option,either(i)repair the applicable product at the original FOB point of delivery,(ii)refund an equitable portion of the contract price,or(iii)furnish replacement equipment or parts,as necessary to the original FOB point of delivery.Except as specifically set forth in the preceding sentences,Seller makes no warranties either express or implied with respect to the products sold hereunder.
The Partner warrants that it will diligently maintain the content of the Partner Platforms and keep the Partner Platform(s)up-to-date and accurate.The Partner shall promptly correct any errors or omissions on the Partner Platform(s)after becoming aware of such errors or being notified by XXX.
Parties warrant that in the event of an infringement or breach by the one Party of its obligations under this Clause 6,the burden of proof is carried by the Party in breach.
◆ 知识点拓展
1.infringement or breach of obligations,“违反义务”;infringement or breach of obligations属于法律英语的并列现象。
2.burden of proof,“举证责任”。
Party A warrants that…
Party A guarantees…
Party A represents and warrants that…
Party A and Party B hereby undertake that…
Party A makes no warranties…
六、不可抗力条款(Force Majeure)
大多数合同中都会有不可抗力条款,不可抗力条款是一个可以使违约方免责的条款,所涵盖的情形由双方协商确定,但大多数包括两种情形:第一,超出合同双方或其中一方合理控制范围的类似事件,如罢工(strike)、暴动(insurrection)、战争(war)、恐怖主义事件(terrorism)、革命(revolution)、内战(civil war)、爆炸(explosion)、禁运(embargoes)、政府行为(acts of government)、检疫限制(quarantine restrictions);第二,自然灾害,如火灾(fire)、旱灾(drought)、洪灾(flood)、地震(earthquake)、海啸(tsunami)、台风(typhoons)、飓风(hurricane)、火山(volcano)、山体滑坡(landslide)、雪崩(avalanche)。
“Force Majeure” means an event that cannot be reasonably controlled,unforeseeable or even foreseen by the parties to the contract,which obstructs,affects or delays the performance of any or all of its obligations under this contract.The event includes,but is not limited to,acts of government,natural disasters,war,network congestion or disruption,hacking attacks,or any other similar event.
The party suffering from the force majeure event may temporarily suspend the performance of the obligations under this contract until the impact of the force majeure event is eliminated,and neither party shall be liable to the other for breach of contract;however,the best efforts should be made to overcome the incident and mitigate its negative impact.
“Force Majeure”shall mean all events which are beyond the control of the Parties to this Contract,and which are unforeseen,unavoidable or insurmountable,and which prevent total or partial performance by either of the Parties.Such events shall include,but not limited to,earthquakes,typhoons,flood,fire,war,strikes,riots,acts of government,changes in law or the application thereof or any other instances which cannot be foreseen,prevented or controlled,including instances which are accepted as Force Majeure in general international commercial practice.
Party A agrees that Party B shall not be liable for:any losses;damage,including consequential damages;detention;delay or failure to perform in whole or part resulting from causes beyond the control of Party B,including but not limited to:acts of God,fires,strikes,insurrections,riots,embargoes,delays in transportation,inability to obtain supplies,or requirements or regulations of the government or any other civil or military authority.Delays or non-performance excused by this provision shall not excuse payment of any amount due hereunder owed at the time of the occurrence.
In the event of a force majeure event which results in one party’s failure to perform the contract,the party abovementioned shall notify the other party of the accident as soon as possible,and negotiate with the other party to extend the time limit for performance of the contract.The damage incurred by the other party shall not be claimed.Every effort shall be made to ensure that the impact of force majeure event is minimized and that normal trade is fully restored in accordance with the contract.
If the shipment of the contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or in part by reason of war,earthquake,flood,fire,storm,heavy snow or other causes of force majeure,the seller shall not be liable for non-shipment or late shipment of the goods of this contract.However,the seller shall notify the buyer by phone/fax/email and furnish the latter within 5 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(China Chamber of International Commerce)attesting such event or events.
Should a Party be directly prevented from performing this Contract or be delayed in performing this Contract by an event of Force Majeure,such as earthquake,typhoon,fire,flood,war and other unforeseen events,the occurrence and consequences of which are unpreventable and unavoidable,the affected Party shall notify the other Party by telephone without delay and,within fourteen(14)days thereafter,provide information regarding the event of force majeure and valid certificate thereof,explaining the reason for its inability to perform all or part of this Contract or the delay in performance hereof.Such certificate as proof of the existence of force majeure shall be issued by the notary public office at the locality where the event of force majeure occurred.The parties shall,through consultation,decide whether to terminate this Contract,or release part of the affected Party’s responsibilities to perform this Contract,or delay the performance hereof.
七、知识产权条款(Intellectual Property)
知识产权是一种智力成果,指“权利人对其智力劳动所创作的成果和经营活动中的标记、信誉所依法享有的专有权利”,主要包括著作权(copyright)、专利权(patent)、商标权(trademark)和商业秘密(trade secret)四种。知识产权能够为权利人带来经济价值,充分体现了“知识就是财富”这一真理。
《与贸易相关的知识产权协议》(TRIPS Agreement,Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)是世贸组织最重要的文件之一,是有关国际知识产权保护中最具影响力和效力的国际公约,其规定了著作权的最低保护期为50年,发明专利的最低保护期为20年,并要求世贸组织成员国商标权的保护期为7年。在保护期内,知识产权直接受法律保护。
Party A owns or possesses the Intellectual Property which consists of its trademarks,trade names,service names,service marks,service mark registrations,patents,patent rights,copyrights,inventions,licenses,approvals,government authorizations,trade secrets and rights necessary to conduct its business as now conducted.To the knowledge of Party A,there is no claim,action or proceeding being made or brought against Party A regarding any of the foregoing Intellectual Property items.
action or proceeding “诉讼”,“action”与“proceeding” 均有“诉讼”的意思,在上述例子中并列出现,属于法律英语的并列现象。具体使用方法如下例句:
He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.
to bring legal proceedings against sb.向某人提起法律诉讼
File/issue a claim
Start proceedings(律师经常使用的非正式表达方法)
Take legal action against sb.
Bring legal proceedings against sb.
另外,民事诉讼中的双方当事人分别为原告(plaintiff,claimant)和被告(defendant),“plaintiff”是在美国的用法,在英国原告一般用“claimant”。一个完整的民事诉讼程序,简而言之可归纳为:原告提起诉讼(issue a claim)、法院送达起诉状(serve a claim)给被告、被告答辩(respond to a claim)、开庭审理(hear a case)、法院作出判决(make a judgment)。
The R&D personnel shall warrant that the R&D achievements delivered to the principal do not infringe on the legal rights of any third party.In case a third party accuses the principal of technical infringement,the R&D personnel shall bear the consequential legal liability arising from the violation of rights of the third party.
Party B guarantees the technicality,practicality and reliability of “the Formula” and warrants that the technical secret does not infringe on the legal rights of any third party.Should a third party accuse Party A of technical secret infringement,Party B shall take relevant actions to eliminate the allegation and compensate Party A for the economic losses suffered therefrom.
Party B shall warrant that it is the legal owner of this formula,and that “the Formula” is not patented by others when the contract is signed.
In the course of the performance of this contract,Party A has the right to terminate the contract and require Party B to bear the corresponding liabilities if a third party applies for a patent or obtains a patent with the same technology or formula.
Party B warrants that it enjoys legal and valid ownership of the transferred technology,and there is no infringement of any third-party rights.Should any third party claim any tort liability to Party A on the transferred technology,or should Party A incur any damages due to the use of the transferred technology,Party B shall be responsible for handling the matter and undertake all losses caused to Party A.
八、违约条款(Breach Clause)
Default in payment:In case the principal fails to pay the corresponding sum to the R&D personnel within the time limit stipulated in this contract and the attachment hereof for no reason,daily liquidated damages of 0.05% of the overdue payment shall be paid to the R&D personnel.
Default in delivery:In case the R&D personnel fails to complete the R&D work and pass acceptance within the time limit stipulated in this contract and the attachment hereof for their own reason,daily liquidated damages of 0.05% of the total contract value shall be paid to the principal.
Default in other clauses:In case any party to this contract violates the obligations stipulated in the contract,except as otherwise provided in this contract,the party in breach shall pay liquidated damages to the non-breach party according to 1% of the total contract value.The party in breach shall be liable for the loss,if there is,incurred by the non-breach party.
Maximum amount:The cumulative aggregate of all liquidated damages and compensation paid by the party in breach under this contract shall not exceed 100% of the total contract value.
In case Party B violates the provisions of Article 3 and 6 in this contract,Party B shall pay Party A liquidated damages of 20% of the amount payable in this contract and compensate Party A for all losses incurred.
In case Party A fails to pay the transfer fee to Party B on time,Party A shall pay Party B daily overdue arears of 0.01% of the amount payable.
In case either party breaches the contract,it shall bear the corresponding liability for damages and compensate the non-breach party for any reasonable expense(including but not limited to investigation fees,attorney fees,travel expenses,court costs,etc.)in the course of protecting its lawful rights and interests.
After the entry into force of this Agreement,the parties shall perform their obligations and agreements in a comprehensive,appropriate and timely manner in accordance with this Agreement and all the annexes and schedules.In the event that any party to this Agreement violates the provisions in this Agreement,including all the annexes and schedules hereof,it shall constitute a breach of contract.
The parties agree that,except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,the liquidated damages for this Agreement are 10% of the total investment of the Investor.
In the event of a breach of contract,the defaulting party shall pay the non-breaching party liquidated damages and compensate the non-breaching party for any losses incurred.
The payment of liquidated damages does not affect the right of the non-breaching party to require the defaulting party to compensate for the loss,continue to perform the agreement or cancel the agreement.
◆ 知识点拓展
遵守合同:honor the contract,abide by the contract
违反合同约定:violate/breach terms or condition of the contract
违约方:party in breach,breaching party,breach party
守约方:non-breach party,non-breaching party,non-defaulting party
违约金:liquidated damages
构成违约:constitute a default or breach of contract
未完全履行或错误履行合同义务:any incomplete or mistaken performance of any obligations provided hereunder
未能履行合同规定的主要义务:fail to perform its material obligations in the contract
重大违约、实质违约:material breach of contract
根本违约:fundamental breach of contract
违约方需负责守约方所有的债务、损失、损害,包括合理的律师费和诉讼费在内的各种开支:the party in breach shall be liable to the non-breach party for all liabilities,losses,damages,costs and expenses(including reasonable attorney fees and court costs);the breaching party shall hold the non-breaching party harmless and against any and all liabilities,losses,damages,costs and expenses(including reasonable attorney fees and court costs)
对守约方应负责任:be liable to the non-breach party for …
补偿守约方…损失:to indemnify or reimburse the non-breaching party for…
九、合同解除(Rescission/Dissolution of a Contract)与终止条款(Termination of a Contract)
合同解除(rescission/dissolution of a contract),是指合同当事人一方或者双方依照法律规定或者当事人的约定,依法解除合同效力的行为。只要法定或者约定的合同解除事由出现,当事人一方有权通知另一方解除合同。
所谓合同终止(termination of a contract),指合同当事人双方在合同关系建立以后,因一定的法律事实的出现,使合同确立的权利义务关系消灭。很多人往往会把合同终止和合同解除混为一谈,而事实上两者并不是一回事。
(一)合同解除条款(rescission/dissolution of a contract)
第二,合同解除必须具备一定条件。为避免当事人滥用合同解除制度,从而维护合同的严肃性和社会经济生活的稳定性,法律规定合同解除必须具备法定条件或约定条件,禁止当事人任意解除合同。所谓法定解除,是指由法律规定在一定条件下解除合同的行为。例如,《合同法》第94条规定了五种情形:(1)因不可抗力致使不能实现合同目的(If the purpose of a contract cannot be reached due to force majeure);(2)在履行期限届满之前,当事人一方明确表示或者以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务(If a party,prior to the expiration of the performance term,expresses explicitly or expresses by its action that it shall not perform its main debt obligations);(3)当事人一方迟延履行主要债务,经催告后在合理期限内仍未履行(If one of the parties delays the performance of a major obligation,and fails to do so within a reasonable time limit after being urged to do so);(4)当事人一方迟延履行债务或者有其他违约行为致使不能实现合同目的(If the purpose of a contract cannot be realized because a party delays performing its debts or commits other actions in breach of the contract);(5)法律规定的其他情形(If other circumstances specified by the law occur)。
第四,合同解除的效力是使基于合同而发生的债权债务关系(合同关系)消灭。理论上存在两种观点,第一种观点认为合同解除权的效力是合同关系自始消灭。所谓合同关系自始消灭,是指当事人负有恢复原状的义务,亦即合同解除的效力溯及既往。第二种观点认为合同解除权的效力是合同关系向将来消灭。所谓合同关系向将来消灭,是指合同关系自解除时消灭,合同解除前的关系仍然存在,亦即合同解除不溯及既往。我国《合同法》第97条规定:合同解除后,尚未履行的,终止履行;已经履行的,根据履行情况和合同性质,当事人可以要求恢复原状、采取其他补救措施,并有权要求赔偿损失(After the rescission of a contract,the performance of any obligations which have not been performed shall be terminated;where obligations have already been performed,based on the nature of the performance that has been provided and the nature of the contract,a party may demand the other party to restore it to the original state or adopt other remedial measures,and shall have the right to demand compensation)。由此可见,我国合同法采纳的是第一种观点,即合同解除的效力溯及既往。
In case the following circumstances have made the performance of this contract unnecessary or impossible,the contract may be dissolved:
a.Force majeure;
b.Written agreement by both parties;
In case the other party fails to perform its obligation in the contract within the time limit agreed upon in this Contract,and fails to eliminate such breach or take remedial measures within 30 days following the receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party,and still again fails to perform the Contract within the time limit allowed for delayed performance,the non-breaching party shall be entitled to rescind the contract by a written notice to the defaulting party and still have the right to claim damages from the defaulting party.
(二)合同终止条款(termination of a contract)
合同终止条款(termination of a contract)是基于合同履行完毕、仲裁裁决或法院判决或合同双方当事人合意等法律事实,导致合同法律关系归于消灭。同时,需要注意合同终止(termination of a contract)与合同中止(suspension of a contract)是不一样的。合同终止是指完全结束双方当事人的合同法律关系;合同中止是指合同在履行期间因故暂时停止履行,待造成中止的原因消除后,合同继续履行。
中国的《合同法》第91条规定了七种合同终止的情形:(1)债务已经按照约定履行(all obligations have already been performed as agreed);(2)合同解除(the contract has been dissolved);(3)债务相互抵销(obligations have been offset against one another);(4)债务人依法将标的物提存(the obligor has lodged the subject matter of the contract in accordance with the law);(5)债权人免除债务(the obligee has released the obligor from its obligations);(6)债权债务同归于一人(all obligations and all obligatory rights under the contract are owed and enjoyed by the same person);(7)法律规定或者当事人约定终止的其他情形(any other situation in which the law requires termination or the parties agree on termination)。由此可见,合同解除只是合同终止的一种情形。
In the following circumstances,the contract will be terminated immediately after either party to this contract requests to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the other party:
(1)The other party has a fraudulent act;
(2)the other party is bankrupt or has been declared bankrupt,or the other party has been liquidated or has been dissolved;or
(3)The other party has been unable to carry out its normal business activities.
This agreement is valid for three years and is automatically terminated after the investor holds the equity or the target company completes the share repurchase.Since the expiration of the term of this agreement,the new investment project of the target company has nothing to do with the investor,and the investor no longer holds any interest in the investment project of the target company.
十、通知和送达条款(Notice and service)
通知条款源于英美法系中关于合同成立理论中的投邮主义(post rule)。根据英美法,成立合同需具备四个要素:要约(offer),承诺(acceptance),对价(consideration),建立法律关系的意图(intention to establish legal relations)。要约人(offeror)向受要约人(offeree)发出要约后,受要约人如有兴趣,即向要约人发出承诺,而承诺一经投邮,即视为已经送达。按照此原则,受要约人只要将做出承诺的书信投入邮箱或电报交邮局发出,承诺即生效,合同就成立。即使邮局疏忽,使承诺在传递中遗失,也不妨碍承诺的效力。从这个角度讲,接收方须承担风险。可以说,投邮主义是一种风险分配机制(risk allocation mechanism)。
与投邮主义相对立的是到达主义(receipt rule),该原则主张受要约人的承诺要到达要约人时才生效。如果把到达主义的概念运用到上述例子中,借款人可以在和银行签订合同时指出:通知必须要在送达接收方时方才生效。这样借款人就将风险转移给银行,如果银行没有将通知成功送达给他,就无权没收他的股权。
因此,对于守约方而言,通知条款的作用是防止对方不接收相关书面文件,在发生纠纷时无法取得相关证据。例如,合同中通常会设定单方变更或者解除合同权,一旦满足条件,守约方将要向违约方发送通知行使单方变更或解除权。但是,我国对于通知往往采用“到达主义”(receipt rule),即,只有在发送方发送了通知且接收方接收到通知时通知才视为送达。发送方除了证明自己完成了送达义务还需要证明对方已经收到通知。只要对方不配合,送达就很难完成。实务中,接收方故意躲藏不接收或者拒收通知情形比较普遍。因此,在起草通知条款时,应注意以下方面:
A notice is deemed to have been received as follows:
a.If a Notice is delivered in person,or sent by Registered or Certified Mail,or nationally/internationally recognized overnight courier,upon receipt as indicated by the date on the signed receipt.
b.If a Notice is sent by facsimile,upon receipt by the party giving or making the Notice of an acknowledgement or transmission report generated by the machine from which the facsimile was sent indicating that the facsimile was sent in its entirety to the Addressee’s facsimile number.
c.If a Notice is sent by e-mail,upon acknowledgement of receipt of contents of email.
Any notice:
Sent by repaid registered post will be deemed to have been received on the 5th(fifth)business day after posting.
Sent by ordinary mail will be deemed to have been received on the 7th(seventh)business day after posting.
Delivered by hand will be deemed to have been received on the day of delivery.
Sent by telefax or email will be deemed to have been received on the 1st(first)business day after the date is was sent.
All the notices(including any invoice or report)authorized or required by and between Seller and Buyer at set out in any of the articles herein shall be made in writing in Chinese and English,and delivered by hand,courier,or registered mail to the following address or other address informed by both Parties in writing.
Party A:
Address for Notice:
Party B:
Address for Notice:
Notices are effective when received by the recipient during the recipient’s regular business hours.Notices shall be deemed to have been received:(1)upon confirmed receipt of delivery if delivered by hand;(2)upon confirmed transmission if sent by fax:(3)upon acknowledgement of receipt if sent by registered mail or courier;(4)upon acknowledgement of receipt of contents of email(other than auto-reply)if sent by email.
If the time of such deemed receipt is not during customary hours of business,notice shall be deemed to have been received at 8:00 a.m.on the first day of business thereafter.
Written notice may be sent by facsimile to the numbers listed above,but such notice shall not be effective unless the sender receives a return facsimile acknowledging receipt of the notice.Notice shall be deemed received when actually delivered to the recipient as demonstrated by courier records.E-mail notice shall be deemed received when actually delivered to the recipient as demonstrated by “sent records”. Facsimile notice shall be deemed received upon receipt by the sender of an acknowledgment as described.The addresses and transmittal numbers set forth above can be changed only by written notice that complies with the requirements of this Article and the notice shall be issued in [3] days after the addresses and transmittal numbers changes,otherwise the previous information is still effective.
All notifications,files,and data mutually issued by both parties arising from the performance of this Agreement should be served according to the address,fax or e-mail specified in this Agreement;any party shall notify the other party in writing in the occasion of relocation or changing the phone,fax or e-mail.
If sent by fax,the fax is deemed served upon the issue;if by mail,the mail is deemed served on the date of posing or registering;if by e-mail,the message is deemed served when sent successfully.
◆ 总结:
——[Notice] shall be delivered/sent/given/addressed by [manner] to [addressee & address].
——[Addresser] shall notify/deliver/send [addressee] [notice] by [manners] to [addressee & address].
upon confirmed/acknowledged delivery/transmission…
upon receipt as confirmed/indicated by…
upon the delivery at/to…
at the time of sending or the next business day
upon/on the [number] business day after…
after [number](business)days
另外,delivered 可用来表述“发送方式”,如shall be delivered by courier,也会被用在“生效时间”的表述中,如shall be deemed delivered,在这两种表达中,delivered分别被译为“寄送”和“送达”。
Served 一般用来表达“送达”,如If a notice is sent by fax,the fax is deemed served upon the issue.
十一、争议解决条款(Dispute Resolution Clause)
在国际商事领域,仲裁由于具有一裁终局性(finality)、中立性(neutrality)、灵活性(flexibility)、保密性(confidentiality)等优势,其使用的频率要远远大于诉讼。而且根据《纽约公约》(承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约,Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards),仲裁的效力是受各国司法强制力保障实施的,这就避免了协商、调解、诉讼结果难以得到他国承认和执行的问题。因此,仲裁协议是我们研究的重点。
The two parties agree by consensus that any disputes arising in this contract and its performance will be settled through negotiation.If the negotiation fails,the competent people’s court at Party A’s place will have jurisdiction over the case.
The conclusion,performance,interpretation and settlement of disputes of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China,excluding the application of all other conflict laws.
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract,including any issues regarding its existence,validity or termination,shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre(“SIAC Rules”)for the time being in force,which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this provision.The Tribunal shall consist of ________ arbitrator(s)to be appointed by the Chairman of the SIAC.The language of the arbitration shall be ________.
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the law of________(name of the country or state).
The parties acknowledge that they intend to establish a mutually beneficial relationship and that,to this end,they will strive to resolve any disagreements between them through amicable negotiations.Nevertheless,if a dispute does arise that they are unable to resolve otherwise,the parties will submit it to binding arbitration before the [name of arbitration commission].The arbitration will be conducted in [place],unless the parties have agreed otherwise.Any arbitration award or decision shall be final,non-appealable,and binding,and it may be submitted to a court with jurisdiction for enforcement.
Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between the two parties.Should the negotiation fail,either party may file a lawsuit in the court with jurisdiction over the matter in the lessor’s domicile.
The costs incurred in litigation(including but not limited to case acceptance fees,travel expenses,reasonable attorney fees,etc.)are borne by the losing party.
In the case of partial disputes in the contract,during the settlement of the dispute,the parties shall continue to execute the contract terms unrelated to the dispute.
Any disputes,controversies,differences or claims(collectively referred to as disputes)arising out of the conclusion,entry into force,interpretation or performance of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation.
If the dispute cannot be settled within ________ days after one party has notified the other party in writing of the dispute,either party may submit the dispute to the ________ Arbitration Commission,with the arbitral tribunal consisting of three arbitrators.The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration rules in force at the date of signing this Agreement.
The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon all parties.
Unless otherwise determined by the arbitral tribunal,the arbitration fee,attorney’s fees and other professional advisor fees shall be borne by the losing party.
十二、法律适用条款(Choice of Law Clause)
This agreement shall be interpreted and construed according to,and governed by,the laws of China,excluding any such laws that might direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction.The courts located in [Jurisdiction Convenient to All Parties] shall have jurisdiction to hear any dispute under this Agreement.
This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [franchisor’s state],except for matters arising from or concerning Section ____ which shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [franchisee’s state].
The construction,validity and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of Singapore without regard to its conflict of law rules.
总结:法律适用条款的基本句式结构通常为:The formation,validity,interpretation,performance and settlement of disputes of this agreement/contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of ________.
或者:The laws of [country name](without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles)govern all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement,including,without limitation,its validity,interpretation,construction,performance,and enforcement.