第179章 给自己安排一场“宅度假”
Reconsidering the Staycation
By Melissa Kirsch
I've always been skeptical of the staycation. The coinage is too cute for what feels like a consolation prize: While other people are off exploring the Blue Lagoon by camper van, you get to stay in your very own home and go to your usual supermarket for Cheerios!
So I was intrigued to discover, thanks to my colleague Catherine Pearson, that I have been staycationing all wrong. Evidently, my tendency to stumble into time off without a plan is unlikely to produce a restorative effect. Instead, one should imbue the time off with the urgency of a weeklong trip. Jaime Kurtz, a psychology professor at James Madison University, advises asking oneself,“If I were moving away soon, what would I most want to do, and who would I most want to spend time with?“
多亏了我的同事凯瑟琳·皮尔森(Catherine Pearson),我很惊奇地发现,我“宅度假”的打开方式大错特错。我一般都是在毫无计划的情况下就潦草开启了休假模式,很显然,这并不会带来恢复元气的效果。相反,我们应该带着要出门旅行一周的紧迫感去休假。詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学心理学教授杰米·库尔茨(Jaime Kurtz)建议大家问问自己:“如果我很快就要搬走了,我最想做的是什么?最想和谁一起共度时光?”
I like this spin on “live every day as if it were your last.“ Any reminder that time is fleeting, no matter how cliché, is a good one if it gets you to live better or more deliberately.
You could envision any coming weekend as its own two-day mini-break, programming it as you would a trip to somewhere new, with an itinerary more exciting than just “sleep as much as possible“ and “mow the lawn.“
Sometimes, when we're caught up in getting stuff done and living through the next crisis, just asking ourselves what we would like to do and then doing it can be, if not revelatory, at least a bit of a relief.