Every day the lives ofmore than 13,500 people end as a result of an injury,from road traffic crashes,burns,drowning,falls,poisonings and acts of violence againstoneself or others.Injuries and violence are among the leading causes of death for young people worldwide.These deaths have an immeasurable impact on the families and communities affected,whose lives are often irrevocably changed.
Although injuries and violence are among the leading causes of death in every country of the world,they had been neglected from the global health agenda formany years,despite being predictable and largely preventable.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development-with its specific targets on road safety and violence prevention-is the result of a growing recognition that in order to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all,governments and their partners need to address injuries and violence as a matter of course.
Fortunately,there is evidence from many countries that shows dramatic successes in preventing the unnecessary loss of life that occurs each day as a result injuries and violence.These are achieved through the concerted efforts ofmany sectors,from health to transport,education,social welfare and criminal justice,among others.
Instrumental in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is creating a cadre of health and other professionalswho understand injuries and violence and who are armed with the know-how to prevent them in the first instance and treat those who are affected.
As a comprehensive and authoritativemonograph,this book provides both scientific and practical guidance for practitioners from various sectors to conduct injury and violence prevention work.It also serves as a teaching reference for the training of future injury and violence prevention professionals in medical colleges and universities.
In helping tomeet the need for capacity building in this area,the monograph makes an important contribution to the field.

Etienne Krug
Social Determ inants of Health
World Health Organization