6 The Puzzle Writers in Egypt
Egypt was one of the first places where people began to write. The Egyptians did not write with letters like ours,but with signs that looked like little pictures—a lion,a spear,a bird,a whip.This picture-writing was called hieroglyphics—see if you can say hi-er-o-glyph-ics.Perhaps you have seen,in the puzzle sections of a newspaper,stories written in pictures for you to guess the meaning.Well,hieroglyphics were something like that.
Here is the name of an Egyptian queen written in hieroglyphics. You would never guess her name from this funny writing.Her name was Hatshepsut.Can you say it?It's not as hard as it looks at first.Hat SHEP sut.She was the first woman ruler known to history.
A king’s or queen’s name always had a line drawn around it,like the one you see around the name of Hatshepsut,in order to mark it more