Sentence Completion 解析1
A. Today, most people are still unaware of the gravity of the problems raised by global warming.Currently, the Earth's temperature is 1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit higher than before, and sea levels are 20 centimeters higher than they were more than a hundred years ago.Although some individuals may not see the significance of such data, many scientists, environmentalists and concerned citizens are alarmed by the current unnatural warming rate of the Earth.This is because human-provoked global warming brings with it damaging effects that are closely tied to each other.
B. Global warming causes sea levels to rise in two ways.First, as more heat becomes trapped in the Earth, temperatures rise.Rising atmospheric temperatures will cause the melting of locked water from polar ice caps and continental ice sheets.Second, the volume of water increases as water molecules expand in response to heat, which is called thermal expansion.The rise in sea levels endangers low-lying areas, coastal regions and coastal habitats.It will increase flood risk and coastal erosion and cause changes in the quality of groundwater.People in small islands and archipelagos will lose homes, accompanied by the loss of cultural resources and values.Rising sea levels will also be detrimental to tourism, aquaculture and agriculture.
C. The cry for change has never been more insistent than it is today, as the world's temperature has drastically risen over the past few years, endangering life and the environment.Hopefully, people and governments will be able to properly address the issue and offer a rapid response in order to alleviate or turn the problem around.
●Question 分析与答案
1.Sea levels have risen by____in just a span of a century.
2.___is the rise in the volume of matter as a reaction to increases in temperature.
3.Rising sea levels will also affect the___of freshwater sources and water beneath the Earth's surface.

词汇巩固unaware不知道的,未察觉到的 Fahrenheit华氏的 significance重要,重要性 concern关系到 aIarm闹铃,警报 atmospheric大气的,空气的 meIting融化的,溶解的 poIar极地的 continentaI大陆的 moIecuIe分子 thermaI热的,温热的 expansion扩张,膨胀 Iow-Iying低的,低洼的 coastaI沿岸的 habitat栖息地 flood洪水 erosion腐蚀,侵蚀 archipeIago群岛 accompany伴随 detrimentaI有害的 aquacuIture水产养殖agricuIture农业 insistent强迫的,坚持的 drasticaIIy大大地,彻底地 aIIeviate减轻,缓和 reaction反作用,反动 fresh water淡水 beneath在……的下方