Multiple Choice 解析1
One of the most famous Renaissance painters of all time is Michelangelo Buonarroti, simply known as Michelangelo. He was an Italian painter, sculptor and architect, and also recognized as a poet.In 1508,Pope Julius II hired Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.Michelangelo did not want to paint the dome of the chapel since he felt himself to be more of a sculptor than a painter.Nevertheless, Pope Julius II was able to convince Michelangelo to accept the project by giving him the freedom to paint the chapel's ceiling with images that inspired him.The results were his legacy of breathtaking scenes from the Book of Genesis and The Last Judgment, which Michelangelo painted on the chapel's altar wall.
●Question 分析与答案
Why did MicheIangeIo hesitate to paint the dome of the Sistine ChapeI?
A. He was painting the Mona Lisa at that time.
B. He believed that sculpting was better than painting.
C. He considered himself as a sculptor.
D. He saw himself as a great painter.
Question Point是米开朗琪罗犹豫(hesitate to paint)画壁画的原因(why)。可以在文章的第四句中找出符合的内容。比起画家,米开朗琪罗更想当一个雕塑家,此句内容由连词since引导,解答了问题。

词汇巩固 scuIptor雕塑家 ceiIing天花板 chapeI小教堂 nevertheIess尽管如此 convince使相信,说服 inspire鼓舞,激励Iegacy遗产 breathtaking惊人的,惊险的 Genesis创世纪 judgment判断,审判 aIter改变,更改