Day 20 “You're fine.”和“You're so fine.”意思差异居然这么大!
D: Dude,I'm nervous about my interview.
A: It's OK! You are so fine!
D: What? Do you know what that means?
A: Yeah,I mean don't worry. It'll be OK.
D: Oh,actually here the word “so” makes a difference. “You are fine.” means don't worry. “You are so fine.” means…haha,you are hot!
A: Well,you are.
D: Shut up.
All right,听完对话之后,我们今天要讲的是“You are fine.”和“You are so fine.”的区别。
So, Darby,what's the difference between“You are fine.”and“You are so fine.”?
Well,sometimes in English just one word can make a huge difference in a sentence. In this case it's the word “so”.
When we say “You are fine”,it means the same as “Don't worry. It'll be OK. You got this.”
But if you add “so”,“You are so fine”,all of a sudden it means “I think you are sexy”,“I think you are hot”. So many song lyrics have“You are so fine”. It means “I really like you. You are sexy.”
All right,听完大白的解释之后,我来给大家说一下:“You are fine.”指的是“你OK的、你没问题的、不用担心”。但是“You are so fine.”意思就是“你很性感”。
All right. Bonus time!
OK. As a bonus,let's talk about the word“fine”. The word“fine” can change meaning depending on the situation.
For example,I could say:“Ah,the weather is fine today.” In this case it means the weather is nice,the weather is good.
But,for example,if my boss says:“You have to work over-time!” I could say:“Oh,fine!”It means:I'll do it,OK,but I'm not happy.
今天的bonus time我们讲到“The weather is fine.”指的是“天气真的很好”,这个时候fine的意思就是“真的很好的”。