判断练习 请迅速判断下面各真题的类型:
① Some people believe that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.(剑14 test 2)
② In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes?(剑10 test A)
③ At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?(剑12 test 6)
④ Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?(剑14 test 3)
⑤ In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem? (剑13 test 4)
⑥ Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.(剑14 test 1)
⑦ People today can perform many everyday tasks, such as shopping or banking, without meeting others face to face. What effects will this trend have on individuals and society as a whole?
⑧ Today, multinational companies and their products are becoming increasingly important. Some people think that this trend is damaging our quality of life. Do you agree or disagree?

Figure 1. Frequency distribution

从确定结构的角度来说,在拿到一道议论文题目之后我们首先必须做的就是判断它属于Argument还是属于Report。如果是Argument,那么就必须看清它到底属于上面的哪一类Argument。如果是Report,那么就必须看清它到底是要你分析causes, solutions, measures, problems还是effects/influence。

一个典型的 4段式结构里的第1个主体段:
Globalisation has cultural and economic benefits.The main benefit is that information and knowledge can be shared among people around the world. For example, many of the world's top universities, including Oxford University and University College London, offer open courses that can be attended online. These courses provide free access to valuable educational materials for students in other countries.Also, the increase in international trade has made products cheaper. They can be imported from countries where the production costs are lower. As a result, consumers have a wide variety of(多种多样的)shopping choices available to them at lower prices.Another benefit of globalisation is that many foreign companies invest in developing countries. These companies build factories, contribute to the local economy and create jobs for the local people.
再来看同一话题的 5段式结构里的第1个主体段和第2个主体段:
The main benefit of globalisation is that information and knowledge can be shared among people around the world. This can help people to gain a better understanding of other cultures and become more open-minded. For example, TED talks, which are available on the Internet free of charge, provide viewers with opportunities to learn from experts in other countries. The sharing of information and ideas can help to build understanding and reduce isolation.
Also, the increase in international trade has made products cheaper. Many trade barriers have been removed to encourage free trade. This means that products, such as clothing, toys and electronics, can be imported at lower costs. As a result, consumers in both developing and developed countries have a wide variety of shopping choices available to them at lower prices.
On the other hand, physical classrooms(实体的教室,传统意义上的教室)also have advantages.Classroom-based education can help students to develop good learning habits. For example, students who learn in classrooms are required to pay attention in class and complete their assignments on time.Another advantage of classroom-based education is that students are more likely to take part in group discussions. By contrast, distance education reduces face-to-face interaction among students.
On the other hand, it is true that natural talent separates those good players from children who are trained to play a sport. In other words, there is more to the skill that really talented young sports players have than a learned technique. This natural talent cannot be taught or trained, no matter how good the coach is or how frequently a child practices.
4段式的每一个主体段里都含有两个分论点或者三个分论点(也就是理由,“ideas”)。4段式结构更适合你对话题能够想出比较多的分论点、但是你对于每个分论点能想出的支持句(supporting sentences)比较少的情况。
5段式的每个主体段只“聚焦”在一个分论点(即一个理由)上面。5段式结构更适合你对题目能够想到的分论点(即“ideas”)比较少,但是你能够对自己想到的每一个分论点写出比较多的支持句(supporting sentences)的情况。
您还可以在本书Day 8和《作业本》Day 8里看到更多四段式结构和五段式结构的主体段实例。
(在今天的作业里,我们会先掌握英文写作对于开头和结尾的要求。请您记得及时完成《作业本》Day 4里对应的练习)