What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Assets into Your Media Composer Project, gets you thinking about organization, provides you with some common workflows, and gives you some tips to hopefully make your work easier and/or more productive.
Chapter 2, Customizing Your Work Environment, has a goal to show you some great features to help you work more comfortably, swiftly, and efficiently.
Chapter 3, Polishing Gems, explains that there are many useful features, gems if you will, that go underutilized. This chapter shines and polishes a few of them up by revealing some functions' hidden abilities, explaining their behavior, and/or giving you a few new ideas about how you might use them.
Chapter 4, Creating Split Edits, examines several methods to create a Split Edit, which is also known as an L Cut, Prelap, Postlap, or more simply, a Split.
Chapter 5, Maintaining and Regaining Sync, focuses on giving you a solid understanding of why Avid Media Composer works the way it does regarding sync, how you can be in complete control of staying in sync when using any of the editing modes (without Sync Locks enabled), what Sync Locks do and how they work, and what to do if you find yourself out of sync.
Chapter 6, Managing Your Media Files, has a goal to take some of the mystery out of dealing with media files, using the Media Tool, and helping you through some common media management situations.
Chapter 7, Mono and Stereo Audio Mixing, centers on many of the common audio mixing and effects tasks and challenges when working on a mono or stereo project.
Chapter 8, Editing with Group Clips and MultiCamera Mode, covers several methods to sync all the footage from different cameras used in a multiple-camera production, and how to edit with this footage in an efficient way using the features that Media Composer provides.
Chapter 9, Output Tips and Tricks, includes topics for creating bars and tone; adjusting your sequence to accommodate bars, tone, and slate; an overview of exporting still images and QuickTime movies; and familiarizing yourself with the Timecode Burn-In effect.
Chapter 10 , Time Savers in the Title Tool is not present in the book but is available as a free download from the following link: http://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/downloads/Time_Savers_in_the_Title_Tool.pdf.
This chapter examines some of the commonly overlooked behaviors and features of the Title Tool.
Appendix A, Additional Tips, Tricks, and Explanations, has additional helpful information about various functions and features that did not fit into the step-by-step format of a cookbook published by Packt Publishing.
Appendix B, Details on Trimming, Slipping, Sliding, and Segment Mode, provides helpful background and supplemental information for users at all levels to help demystify, and get more use from, Trim Mode and Segment Mode.
Appendix C, Helpful Details about MultiCamera Editing, provides supporting information for Chapter 8, Editing with Group Clips and MultiCamera Mode, which is beneficial to users at all levels.