PlayStation?Mobile Development Cookbook

Installing the PlayStation Mobile SDK

This recipe demonstrates how to install the PlayStation Mobile SDK.

Getting ready

First you need to download the PlayStation Mobile SDK; you can download it from

How to do it...

  1. Locate the installation file you downloaded earlier and double-click to launch the installer. Say yes to any security related questions.
  2. Take the default settings when prompting, making sure to install the runtimes and GTK# libraries.
  3. The installer for the Vita drivers will now launch. There is no harm in installing them even if you do not have a Vita:
    How to do it...
  4. Installation is now complete; a browser window with the current release notes will open.

How it works...

The SDK is now installed on your machines. Assuming you used default directories, the SDK will be installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\SCE\PSM if you are running 64 bit Windows, or to C:\Program Files\SCE\PSM if you are running 32 bit Windows. Additionally all of the documentation and samples have been installed under the Public account, located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\PSM .

There's more...

There are a number of samples available in the samples directory and you should certainly take a moment to check them out. They range in complexity from simple Hello World applications, up to a full blown 3rd person 3D role playing game (RPG). They are, however, often documented in Japanese and often rely on other samples, making learning from them a frustrating experience at times, at least, for those of us who do not understand Japanese!

See also

  • See the A Tour of the PlayStation Mobile SDK section in the Preface for a better understanding of what is included in the SDK you just installed