What is impress.js?
impress.js is a presentation framework build upon the powerful CSS3 transformations and transitions on modern web browsers. Bartek Szopka is the creator of this amazing framework. According to the creator, the idea came to him while he was playing with CSS transformations. Prezi.com was the source that got him inspired. On w3.org we have the following mentioned about CSS transforms:
CSS transforms allows elements styled with CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space
For more information on CSS transformations for those who are interested, visit http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transforms/.
Creating presentations with impress.js is not a difficult task once you get used to the basics of the framework. Slides in impress.js presentations are called steps and they go beyond the conventional presentation style. We can have multiple steps visible at the same time with different dimensions and effects. impress.js step designs are built upon HTML. This means we can create unlimited effects and the only limitation is your imagination.