Chapter 2. Users and Mobile Device Management
The world of computing is changing, again. This history of computing is more than just personal computers. It was not too many years ago that punch cards were being used and there were jobs just for people to enter data. Today, we are living in a truly mobile world, complete with a variety of devices that we use for talking, playing games, sending messages, and even work. The important term for this chapter is Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to work. This chapter will focus on the impact of BYOD on the workplace. BYOD brings several impacts to you, as follows:
- Many companies are installing what is known as Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions. This solution is a part of a holistic corporate security policy.
- MDM solutions provide two basic types of corporate security policy management for mobile devices:
- How to securely access your corporate e-mail: This normally includes specialized network devices and a controlled corporate network
- A description on what you can do with your device on the corporate network; this is also known as a Mobile Acceptable Use policy
- This discussion on MDM will provide you with information about what you can expect and what a company can do to your tablet and/or smartphone.