Getting Started with Grunt:The JavaScript Task Runner


In this book, various font styles are used to differentiate between different types of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning:

When referring to a short piece of information that relates to the code examples, like a variable or property name, or file or directory name, we'll use a light mono-space font:

"Based on this task, we notice that each file in the files array contains src and dest properties."

When referring to a large piece of information that relates to the code examples, like a portion of code, the contents of a file or the output from the command-line interface, we use black mono-space font:

  stringCheck: {
    file: './src/app.js',
    string: 'console.log('

When referring to portion code in code, we note the example number and name at the top in a JavaScript comment (that is, text beginning with //).

When specifying user command line input among the command-line output, using Unix bash convention, we prepend a dollar symbol so we know what is input and what is output:

$ echo "hello world"
hello world

When referring to new terms and important words, we display them in bold.

When conveying a URL, we'll prefix the text with "http://" and use a mono-space font. This book's homepage ( is used as a URL shortener and as an intermediary in case URLs need to be updated. For example:

"For more information, see the Grunt Website at"