What you need for this book
Ideally, if you are using this book, you have Minitab available with you. This was written with users of Minitab 17 in mind. Datasets that are provided here can be opened in Minitab 16 and higher. The strategy for new versions of Minitab is to be least disruptive in user experience as possible. Anyone using earlier versions should find that a lot of the commands still run true; however, they may find certain tools here that are not available in previous versions of Minitab.
For instance, the Assistant appears in Minitab 16 and higher. Also, with Minitab 17, there have been big changes to the linear model tools.
Also, note that Laney control charts appeared in Version 16.2. For anyone using Minitab 16.1, you can update your version to the latest 16 version by using Check for Updates under Help or by talking to your IT department.