This book would not have been possible without the ongoing love and support of my wife, Amy, who has helped me through the highs and lows of life. She gave me the freedom to work during the many late nights and weekends that it takes to produce a book and its associated code repository. She truly is the gem of my life.
I'd also like to thank my parents, Ann and Derek, for their encouragement and support during my formative years. It was their work ethics that allowed me to start my career in technology as a teenager and to incorporate my first company before I was 25. I'd also like to congratulate them on their 50th wedding anniversary in 2015, and I look forward to reaching this milestone with Amy.
Thanks is due especially to the reviewers of the book, Nate Cook, James Robert, Arvid Gerstmann, and Anil Varghese, who provided excellent feedback on the contents of this book during development and caught many errors in both the text and code. Any remaining errors are my own.
I'd also like to thank CodeClub, with whom I have been volunteering to teach young children how to code, and Akeley Wood, for allowing me to be a part of it. I hope both Sam and Holly enjoy it as much as I do.
Finally, I'd like to thank Ben Moseley and Eren Kotan who introduced me to NeXT in the first place and set my career going on a twenty-year journey to this book.