The Web is moving fast! Since its boom in popularity in the late 90's to the early 2000's, web technology has begun to move at breakneck speed. However, while programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java and others were developed to be quite well suited for their purposes on the Web, one of the core languages was holding everyone back…CSS. For almost a decade, developers and web designers had to devise numerous clever hacks and workarounds to make up for the shortcomings of this simple language. That's right! CSS is meant to be simple! A very conscious decision was made to omit variables, functions, loops, and conditional statements from CSS. This was to make it simple for beginners. When the W3C even started to consider introducing variables into the CSS specification it was met with opposition by many who felt it would make it too difficult for non-programmers and beginners.
The revolutionary movement that sparked the debate (and subsequent introduction) of CSS variables was started by one of Hampton Catlin's projects called Sass. In 2006, Hampton created Haml. The goal of Haml was to simplify writing HTML by removing the need for closing tags, instead using nesting and a Ruby-like syntax. Around the same time, he released Sass, which was a very similar idea, but for CSS. While Haml has not been as successful perhaps, Sass has quickly become a favorite, if not an industry standard among designers and developers. Yet the original indented Sass syntax was still a turn-off for many designers. It was perhaps too far removed from the familiar curly braces and semi-colons of CSS for many to embrace.
However, when the SCSS syntax arrived, Sass exploded into life. You couldn't read a web design blog, watch a tutorial, or go to a conference without Sass being at least mentioned. This surge in popularity was largely because with the newer SCSS syntax you could write plain old CSS if you wanted and work in the other features at your own pace. It was relatively easy for beginners to get on board with it, once they got passed working with the command line.
So why all the excitement about Sass in the first place. Well, Sass as you probably know by now, gives you access to variables, functions, loops, conditionals and many other features which allow for code reuse. Things which CSS lacks. These are things which, once you've started using them to write CSS you'll begin to wonder how anyone writes CSS without it.
Regardless of what stage you're at with Sass, this book aims to show you what it is truly capable of, using working examples and real-world situations. We'll work through setting up projects, we'll look at Compass, sourcemaps, using Sass with NodeJS, Gulp, and Susy. We'll also talk about writing good CSS and some useful best practices and methodologies to know, such as SMACSS, OOCSS, and BEM, which will help you organize and manage large projects. Then after all that, we'll put it all together to create a mobile-first homepage for an e-commerce website.