Laravel 5.x Cookbook

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Setting Up and Installing Laravel, helps you setup Laravel on your local machine.

Chapter 2, Using Composer Packages, this will cover some key concepts to getting comfortable with this amazing tool.

Chapter 3, Routing, the heart of any web framework, this will dig into some use cases of Laravel routing.

Chapter 4, Building Views and Adding Style, digging into Blade, Bootstrap and other key areas to building an app.

Chapter 5, Working with Data, covers factories, seeding and a look at a scaffolding library to save you work.

Chapter 6, Adding Angular to Your App, all the key concepts to getting going with Angular in your application.

Chapter 7, Authentication, Security, and Subscriptions, covers protecting your application, building a subscription service, and an admin interface.

Chapter 8, Testing and Debugging Your Application, shows you how to think about your code using tests, having TravisCI run your tests on every push to Github, and more.

Chapter 9, Adding Advanced Features to Your App, teaches you about building Artisan commands, Scheduler, Clean URLs and more.

Chapter 10, Deploying Your App, this chapter will dig into CodeDeploy, Forge, TravisCI and other recipes to deploy your application.