About the Author
Armando Fandango is Chief Data Scientist at Epic Engineering and Consulting Group, and works on confidential projects related to defense and government agencies. Armando is an accomplished technologist with hands-on capabilities and senior executive-level experience with startups and large companies globally. His work spans perse industries including FinTech, stock exchanges, banking, bioinformatics, genomics, AdTech, infrastructure, transportation, energy, human resources, and entertainment.
Armando has worked for more than ten years in projects involving predictive analytics, data science, machine learning, big data, product engineering, high performance computing, and cloud infrastructures. His research interests spans machine learning, deep learning, and scientific computing.
I would like to thank my wife for supporting me while I was writing this book. I would like to thank Dr. Paul Wiegand at UCF for always inspiring me to pursue great opportunities. I am highly indebted to the team at Packt: Tushar, Sumeet, Amrita, Deepti, and many others who made this work possible for the readers.