What you need for this book
In order to keep up with the book, you will need to spend some time learning basic coding. In addition to RESTful APIs, this book refers to three major programming languages:
- Java 8 for Android
- SWIFT 3 for iOS
- Node.js
Additionally, you will need following software tools:
- Android Studio 2.3
- XCode 8
- The nRF Connect Android/iOS app.
- Estimote apps and SDK for Android and iOS
- CSR uEnergy tools
- CSRMesh Library for Android
- NOOBS version 2.4.0
- Bluetooth Developer Studio
From a hardware standpoint, this book will require you to work with:
- CSRMesh Development Kit
- Raspberry Pi 3 with Bluetooth Low Energy.
- iPhone with BLE to implement iOS applications
- Android phone with BLE to implement Android applications
- Estimote Location Beacons
This book also refers to the Estimote Beacon Management dashboard in the cloud to manage your beacons.