KVM Virtualization Cookbook

Getting ready

We are going to need the following in order to complete this recipe:

  • The block devices created in the previous recipe
  • The debootstrap utility
  • The chroot utility

To ensure that the swap and root block devices are still present on the system, run the following:

root@kvm:~# ls -la /dev/nbd0*
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 43, 0 Feb 10 18:24 /dev/nbd0
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 43, 1 Feb 10 18:24 /dev/nbd0p1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 43, 2 Feb 10 18:24 /dev/nbd0p2

If that's not the case, please refer to the Preparing images for OS installation with qemu-nbd recipe on how to associate the raw image with the /deb/nbd0 block device.

To install the debootstrap utility, if not already present on your system, execute the following code:

root@kvm:~# apt install -y debootstrap
Setting up debootstrap (1.0.78+nmu1ubuntu1.2) ...