Machine Learning Algorithms

Non-negative matrix factorization

When the dataset is made up of non-negative elements, it's possible to use non-negative matrix factorization (NNMF) instead of standard PCA. The algorithm optimizes a loss function (alternatively on W and H) based on the Frobenius norm:

If dim(X) = n x m, then dim(W) = n x p and dim(H) = p x m with p equal to the number of requested components (the n_components parameter), which is normally smaller than the original dimensions n and m.

The final reconstruction is purely additive and it has been shown that it's particularly efficient for images or text where there are normally no non-negative elements. In the following snippet, there's an example using the Iris dataset (which is non-negative). The init parameter can assume different values (see the documentation) which determine how the data matrix is initially processed. A random choice is for non-negative matrices which are only scaled (no SVD is performed):

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF

>>> iris = load_iris()
(150L, 4L)

>>> nmf = NMF(n_components=3, init='random', l1_ratio=0.1)
>>> Xt = nmf.fit_transform(

>>> nmf.reconstruction_err_

array([ 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2])
>>> Xt[0]
array([ 0.20668461, 1.09973772, 0.0098996 ])
>>> nmf.inverse_transform(Xt[0])
array([ 5.10401653, 3.49666967, 1.3965409 , 0.20610779])

NNMF, together with other factorization methods, will be very useful for more advanced techniques, such as recommendation systems and topic modeling.

NNMF is very sensitive to its parameters (in particular, initialization and regularization), so I suggest reading the original documentation for further information: