Creating a Wear emulator
The process of creating a Wear emulator is very similar to creating a phone emulator.
In the AVD manager, click on the Create Virtual Device... button:

Choose the required form factor emulator according to your application needs. Now, let's create the Android Wear square emulator:

After selecting the right emulator for your Wear, you will get another prompt to choose the Wear operating system. Let's choose the API Level 25 Nougat emulator, as shown in the following screenshot:

The last prompt asks for the emulator name and other orientation configurations based on your needs:

Way to go! Now, we have successfully created a square form factor emulator for the project. Let's run the project that we have created in the emulator:

Google recommends developing Wear apps in the actual hardware device to have the best user experience. However, working on emulators has the benefit of creating different screen form factors to check the application's rendering.